Chapter 18

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(Shiloh's pov)

I sat there staring at Sky in complete shock. Why would she say that? She didn't mention the kiss all day, but now she says something? She's making everything weird!

Xena just stared blankly at us, she looks upset and I can't blame her. This is really awkward.

Sky looks really pleased with herself, but why is she trying to make Xena feel uncomfortable? Is she threatened by her? Does she really think that Xena has a crush on me?

We continued to eat our meals in silence.


Afterwards we stood out in front of the restaurant.

"Thanks for meeting up with me for dinner" I said.

I can't look at her face, everytime we make eye contact she gives me the stink eye.

I'd be upset if I were her too, she was uncomfortable the entire time and I couldn't get Sky to stop acting strange.

She didn't reply to me, just turned around and walked off .

As I watched her walk away I felt more and more guilty.

Should I at least walk her to her car or would that make her even more upset? She seems like she can't wait to get away from us.

Sky back hugs me "come on, I'll walk you to the train station"

I can't just let Xena leave, I have to apologize for tonight.

"No, that's okay." I hand Sky the 20 dollar bill I had in my bag. "It's really late, catch a cab. I'll see you later" I said.

I ran as fast as I could to the Sam's Kitchen parking lot to find Xena.

I hope she isn't already gone.

When I got to the parking lot I ran around like a crazy person looking for her. Finally I found her.

She gets in her car and starts it.

"Xena wait!" I yelled

I ran up to her car door and she rolled her window down. She just sat there staring straight ahead, she wouldn't even look my way. I can tell she's really pissed off, I've never seen her this angry. It's really scary.

"I just.....I wanted to apologize for tonight. Sky wanted to tag along and I just couldn't tell her no. I don't know why she was being so strange, it must've been awkward being the third wheel. I'm really sorry"

She sat there quietly for a moment, like she was making sure I had nothing more to say.

She cuts an eye at me and I took a few steps back, putting more space in between us.

Finally, she said "The dorms close at 11, you should get going"

Then she just drove off.


(Jude's pov)

My roommate hasn't come home yet, when he gets here I'm going to talk to him and try to bond with him.

He could be a cool guy, I should give him a chance.

After a few hours passed I started thinking he wasn't coming back. But then he came stumbling in and passed out on the floor.

He smells like liquor, cigar smoke and perfume.

"Are you okay?" I asked but he didn't respond.

Great. Now I have to babysit him for the rest of the night.

I used all of my strength to sit him up and lean him against a wall.

He's a huge guy, like 6'4 and he's got pretty big bones. On top of that he's fit, like really fit! I know I won't be able to carry him to bed, I guess I'll just sit here with him by the front door.

He's knocked out, should I try to wake him up? No, I'll just leave him alone.

I sat him up and leaned him against the wall. This isn't how I was expecting us to spend our night but it's still kind of like bonding. We'll laugh about it later.... probably.


(Shiloh's pov)

I finally made it back to the dorm. The whole way here all I could think about was Xena and how I ruined her night.

The whole day I had planned was a fail. I was supposed to make things official with Sky, drop her off at home, meet up with Xena for dinner, thank her for her help and come home.

But things didn't go as all.

Should I stop by Xena's office tomorrow and have lunch with her? What should I do? What can I do to fix this? I need advice!

I plopped onto my couch and closed my eyes thinking of ways I can get Xena to forgive me and give me another chance to show her a good time.

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