Chapter 14

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(Shiloh's pov)

I hate that I need so much help from Xena. She works so hard, she doesn't need any more stress. I really appreciate her and all of her help. I'm going to pay her back someday. Really, I am.

"You ready to go?" She said as she fastened her seatbelt.

"Yeah lets-"

Her phone beeps loudy and I jump a little.

"Oh shit, it's already been an hour"

"So...w-w-what are we gonna do?"

"Hold on, let me think" she closes her eyes and groans.

I should've just stayed home, now I'm stressing her out even more.

"You can just take me to Val City with you and I'll walk to Koope Village from there" I suggest

"It's a two hour walk and Val City is crawling with creeps. That's not an option. Obviously I'd have to drop you off at home but my Vola needs to be charged. I can't drive you to KV until then and that'll take about an hour."

"So what are our options?"

"We have only one. I take you to my place and charge my Vola, after an hour I'll drive you home and come back"

"Okay....if you're comfortable with that"

"It's fine, I just hope this doesn't get people talking. That would really suck."

It would suck?! What's so bad about people thinking you're dating me?!

"Let's go" I said.


We pulled into the garage that she had built into her roof and her Vola Vibrated before saying "welcome home Ms. Bolt, my battery will be fully charged at 1:34 am. Is that alright?"

"that's fine, Vola. Begin charging"

"as you wish" it said before shutting off. A red neon light filled the car. I guess that's how you know when it's charging.

"Alright, lets get out so she can finish charging" she said.

"I can't believe your car can talk!"

"Oh, yeah. She can."

"That's so cool!"

"How are you so shocked that she's talking? She literally flies"

"Well yeah, but I see flying cars all over the city. None of them have ever spoken though"

"I see"

We made our way down a stairway that led into her living area.

We made our way down a stairway that led into her living area

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(Very similar to this)

"Woooow" I said as my eyes scanned the room in amazement.

She smiled "feel free to look around, I'll be in my office. Just shout if you need anything" she said before walking off.

Her house is beautiful. It's kind of futuristic in a way. She has LED lights in her ceiling and the floor lights up with every step!

The interior of her home is mostly white, black and beige with a few pops of color here and there.

It smells like an expensive musky cologne in here. It matches the aesthetic of her house perfectly.

It's so calming here.

I walked around the house opening every door.

Eventually I made my way down another staircase that led me to a bedroom. There aren't any decorations in it, just a bed and two matching night stands.

The design of the bedroom was still beautiful though.

I walk over to one of the night stands and pick up a picture.

Is this Xena and her dad? She was so cute!

"Are you lost?"

The sound of her voice made me jump, I almost dropped the photo I was holding

"No! Sorry. Is....this your room?"

"Yeah, it's not much to look at though"

"Are you kidding?! It's so nice in here! Look, you even have your own closet" I said walking over to it and pointing.

This makes her laugh and she shakes her head "everyone has a closet Shiloh"

"I didn't, I've never even had my own room before"

She appeared to be troubled by this. Did I make her feel guilty?! Crap!

"But I didn't mind it, I liked sharing a room with my parents! It was cozy"

"I bet it was, when I was a little girl I used to sleep in the bed with my father every once in a while when I was scared. I slept with him for a whole month after I watched a scary movie once"

"Aww, how old were you?"

"Too old" she says. She plopped down onto her bed and sighed "I'm exhausted"

"Yeah me too, you should take a nap for a little while. I'll watch your Vola for you"

"Nah" she gets up and walks over to where I am. She opens her closet and walks inside.

Her closet doors are kind of short so I was expecting her closet to be average sized, but when I looked in; it was like a studio apartment!

It has floor to ceiling wardrobes lined up on all four walls and in the center of the room, making isles like a grocery store or a library.

The wardrobes all have glass doors and I can see that she's filled them all the way up with clothing, jewelry, bags and shoes. How much stuff does she have?!

She walked over to one of the wardrobes and opened it. Inside of it was a file cabinet.

I guess it's camouflaged as a wardrobe, but why is it here and not in her office? I don't think it's anything top secret because she's allowing me to see it.

She unlocked the cabinet and pulled out a folded piece of paper. After closing the cabinet she walked past me, exiting the closet.

I followed her out.

"I have to make a call, feel free to continue exploring" she said before walking out of the bedroom.

She's always working, does she ever sleep? Or even take breaks?

After exploring for a little while I eventually found another bedroom. "Is this the guest bedroom" I said aloud. This room is decorated nicely, it's like a dream in here!

The room is dimly lit and the floors are heated.

There's even a blanket warmer in here! I'd love spending the night here if I were her guest!

Well I kind of am soooo.....I think it'll be okay if I take one.

I took a blanket out and wrapped it around my body. It was like being wrapped in a warm tortilla.

I lied down on the bed and allowed my body to relax.

This has to be the most comfortable mattress in the world. The pillows are firm and the bed smells like vanilla.

I could feel myself start to doze off and I don't even try to fight it. "She'll wake me up when it's time to go" I say to myself.

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