Chapter 31

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(Jude's pov)

I met up with Shiloh today again to go shopping in Val City. He's getting a few more things to decorate his dorm.

We stopped by my mom's shop and she made us watch the shop for her while she ran errands.

" yourself" I said dramatically.

"It's fine. Your mom is nice, I don't mind doing a favor for her"

"I think I can handle this on my own, you should go visit Sky"

"No. I'd rather not"

"Whoa.....why not? What happened?"

"She just. She's.....I don't know. She came over this morning and was acting weird. It was really annoying and uncomfortable"

"Acting weird? How?"

"She wanted to..... y'know"

I burst out laughing "well, I mean.... she's your girlfriend Shiloh"

"I know but...I just don't want to"

"I see. So you said no?"

"Yeah. I always say no. She asks me to do it every time we're alone. It's weird"

"You should tell her it's making you uncomfortable"

"I tried to. She gets angry"

"That sounds kinda toxic....I'm not gonna lie"

He nods in agreement. "I don't know what to do"

"Just do what's comfortable. If she's forcing you to do something that makes you uncomfortable, then she doesn't care about you. That's just my honest opinion."

"It sure feels like she doesn't care.". Tears well up in his eyes and I pull him into a hug. Why won't he just break up with her? She's always making him cry, so why stay?


(Xena's pov)

It's been a few days, Elektra has secured the backup and I've taken care of everything else.

Plan A is: go to the party, search the house for any valuable information, take pictures of it and leave.

If things go south we'll need backup and possibly a getaway car.

We all met up today to discuss everyone's role and where they need to be positioned in order for plan B to work.

Hopefully things go smoothly.


(Jaylin's pov)

I'm back home visiting my father for the weekend. Things feel off, he looks like he hasn't slept in days and he's been drinking. A lot!

He told me about the party he got invited to, mom doesn't want to go so I'll be going as his plus one.

Whenever she goes she gets harassed and nothing is done about it. She's only gone to parties like this twice.

I hate environments like this, the only reason I agreed to go is because I want to keep a close eye on dad. Maybe I'll get a clue about what's going on.


(Shiloh's pov)

Jude's mom is back so we're leaving now. She gave us tickets to some fancy party, she said she hates being around rich people so she didn't want to go.

Only the upper middle-class and the rich got invited.

Jude loves big fancy parties, he owns so many fancy suits and expensive jewelry.
He's bringing me as his plus one but I don't have anything fancy in my closet!

I can't afford to go shopping but I don't want to show up in jeans and a t-shirt. Actually, I don't even think I could if I wanted to! There's a dress code....

"I'm not sure about this" I said.

"Sure about what? It's just a party" Jude replied.

"I know but it's a fancy party, I don't have anything to wear"

"You can borrow some of my stuff, I think I have something that'll fit you"

"I'm too clumsy to wear your expensive stuff, what if I rip it or something? I'd spend the rest of my life paying you back"

"Don't worry about it, if you rip it you can keep it and I'll just get 5 more suits"

"Why five?"

"I have a spending problem" he said. He's not lying, he spends so much money on unnecessary things.

"Okay fine. I'll wear your stuff"

"Good, now let's go get hair cuts and find accessories before we head back to the Academy"


I'm feeling more confident now that I have expensive jewelry.....well, expensive to me anyway. I've never spent this much money on jewelry before. I also got more makeup and a hair gel Jude recommended.

"Have you ever been to a party this big?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I've been going since I was really young. My mom rarely went but my dad used to bring me with him"

"So...what should I expect?"

"Expect to be offended, talked about and treated like a server. They'll demand that you do things for them, if they do just ignore them. Rich people are the worst"

"I'll just tell them I'm not a server and I'm not going to do it"

"That's not a good idea. Some of them are dangerous and they'll actually kill you. It's best to just pretend you don't hear them. You'll see them be tyrants and no one will do anything about it. They treat people poorly if they aren't rich, sometimes it's hard to watch"

"Jesus, Is there any way to avoid them?"

"Nope, they're everywhere. Also watch out for their kids, don't do or say anything to the children there. That won't end well"

I'm starting to want to stay home.

"Sheesh.... okay."

"Don't worry though. It'll still be a good time, I promise" he reassured me.

I hope so....

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