Chapter 17

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(Xena's pov)

I've already arrived at Sam's Kitchen and now I'm just waiting for Shiloh.

I'm hoping this dinner takes my mind off of this situation with my dad. I'll be heading straight there afterwards in my private jet. The back up I needed is already on their way.

He finally arrived at 8:15 and I waved him over.

He's with....her. Wonderful.

"Hi, sorry I'm late! I don't have a watch and I lost track of time!"

"It's okay Shiloh, just take a seat."

The girl walks to my side of the table and offers her hand to me.

"I'm Sky, Shiloh's best friend. We've met before but I never told you my name"

I shook her hand. "Hello, Sky. Are you joining us for dinner?"


"Wonderful. The more the merrier"

She gives me a sassy smile before sitting down next to Shiloh.

The atmosphere gets awkward.

"You two look nice. I love the shirt Shiloh" I said, breaking the awkward silence.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Sky said as she rubbed the fabric on his arm. "I made it for him"

"Oh? It's very well made. You're quite talented"

"Yeah, she's a seamstress" Shiloh said.

"I make all of his clothes" she smiles at me.

I feel like I'm missing something?

"We visited the fabric store you and I met in, today. I got fabric for my birthday outfit."

"Oh....I didn't know you two met at that store...." Sky says.

"Yep. We did. When's your birthday Shiloh?"

"Why? You gonna get me a gift?" He said playfully.

"I'm not the gift giving type."

Sky forces a laugh "you two seem to be close. Is there something going on that I don't know about?..... Shiloh?"

What's with her? She's so weird.

"What?! No, we're....well, we..."

He's in distress again, like he was this morning. It's cute.

He looks at me begging me with his eyes to help him out.

I guess I'll help.

"We're just strangers who's paths keep crossing. That's all."

"Yeah? I guess. You don't seem like someone Shiloh would hang out with, to be honest."

She gives me another sassy smile.

"Whatever that means " I replied, turning my attention to my menu.

She's trying to fuck with me, but why? Are they together?

Didn't she just say they were best friends?


"I'd hang out with you Xena, you're cool" Shiloh says shyly.

"Yeah, I am"

He smiles.

"Do you make scrunchies too, Sky?" I ask, still looking at my menu.


I leaned forward and rubbed Shiloh's shoulder with my pointer fingertip.

"hmm....yep, this is the same material. You must've made it..."

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