Chapter 41

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(Jude's pov)

Xena and I watched the fireworks in dead silence. It's not awkward though, thank God.

We've sat there for a while waiting for another firework but it seems to be over now.

"Welp. This has been..... something" I say, staring blankly ahead.

"I agree, tonight was definitely..... something" Xena replies, offering me a sponge cake and milk. "I can't wait to take this damn ninja outfit off, it's so tight fitting and uncomfortable"

"Yeah, but you look cool in it"

"Thanks, Jude."

I took a bite out of the sponge cake "so, how are we going to cheer Shi up?"

"I don't know, I say we just give him space"

"You know how he is though, if we give him too much space he'll fall into a deep depression"

"Should we just talk to him then?"

"And say what?! It's okay that you tried to kiss me, bestie?!"

"I don't know, okay?!" She runs her hands down her face and groans "I should've just kissed him, things wouldn't be so awkward if we just kissed"

"Things probably would have been even more awkward if you had. Like, imagine you kissed him and the kiss was just....bad. Like, unarguably horrible"

"Jude.... please"

"I'm just saying.... It could always be worse"

She sighs, obviously stressed "let's go find him...." She starts up the Vola and we head to Shiloh's house.


(Shiloh's pov)

I guess it's over now. I should head inside now, it's starting to get a little chilly.

I leave the barn and head towards the house. The whole in the roof is patched up, there is new glass in the windows and there's a new doorknob on our same old door.

These small changes really make a difference. As I stand there looking at my childhood home I feel more and more grateful for Xena. She's such a good person and she takes good care of me.

Behind me I hear her Vola pull up and I freeze. There's no way I can meet her gaze now.

A car door slams shut and I hear footsteps on the gravel behind me "dude, what are you standing out here like this? It's creepy" Jude says, throwing an arm around me.

"I don't know...." I muttered. He studied my face for a moment then clapped me in the back.

"It's getting cold, can we go in?"


"Xena! Shi invited us in, let's hang out for a while!" He yelled to Xena who was still sitting in her Vola.

"Sure, I'm coming" she said. As soon as the engine turned off I felt almost nauseous. I don't think I'm gonna survive the night.


(Xena's pov)

We've been sitting here, on the living room floor for about 10 minutes now. Our conversations are very forced and awkward, I don't know what to do to shift the mood.

"So.....have you caught up on Love: day by day?" Jude asks

"No. I'm on episode 14, season 5"

"Ah.....I only have to watch two more episodes"

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