Chapter 6

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(Xena's pov)

We drove home in silence after that, I couldn't believe what I had just seen. That guy is living in a tiny house, it's no bigger than 400 sqft. Half of the roof is basically missing and it looks badly infested with termites.

(Very similar to this)

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(Very similar to this)

When I found out that he was from KV I was excited to see how it looked since my father started a program to help restore Koope Village and make it livable again.

He even got people from other cities to donate money to the restoration of Koope Village. What is he up to? And why is he lying to me? What's going on?

When I got home I called him repeatedly, but still no reply.


(Shiloh's pov)

As soon as I opened the door my mom was standing right there like she was waiting for her unfaithful husband to try and sneak back in.

"gosh mom! You scared me" I yelled, I could feel my knees get weak.

"I scared you?! You scared me! Where have you been?! I thought one of those creepy men ran off with you! I was about to come rescue you!" She said.

She thinks I'm going to be abducted by creepy men?! I feel so emasculated!

"I'm going to bed..." I said sulking and she hugged me tightly.

"I really am glad you made it home....but you smell terrible" she says in a sweet tone.

"yeah I know, now back off...ugh, look I brought you something" I handed her my Sunland bag that was once empty but is now full of snacks.

She gasps "Shiloh?! Did you steal this?"

"What? No, a friend of mine gave it to me....well not a friend but, whatever"

"a "friend" huh? Do you think I was born yesterday? If you get caught stealing you'll get both of your hands cut off!"

"What?! No I won't! What year are you living in?"

"The point is, stop stealing you thief!" She says before storming off with the snacks.


(Xena's pov)

It's been a week and I still haven't heard back from my dad, I'm so worried. All I can think about is KV and how bad it is, I've been trying to come up with a fundraiser idea to put money into their community but I can't think of anything.

I rest my head on my desk and close my eyes, I've been so stressed out trying to figure this all out on my own. I don't want people to know about this, it'll make my family look bad but I can't just sit around and do nothing. How long has this been going on? How long has he been stealing money? How can I fix this?

I've never felt so terrible in my life, I'm so ashamed of my father. How could he do this? I can't even sleep peacefully knowing those people are living like that. I need to do something.


(Shiloh's pov)

I'm feeling pretty good right now, thanks to all of my hard work I can afford to shop in the city! They only sell the best quality meats, broths and water! It gets tiring having to filter gallons and gallons of water a day, by the end of the day my back is killing me. That's why I buy it when I can afford it, it takes me about a month to save up enough money to buy those three things.

We grow every vegetable you can think of and even a few kinds of rice, so all we really need are those three things.

I hose my boots and wagon off and head out. You know, I'm really glad I stole this wagon; I don't regret it even a little bit! Val City, here I come!


(Jude's pov)

I've been at my desk for hours trying to figure out what to write in my letter, should I just introduce myself or should I try to guilt trip them into accepting me? I don't know anymore. Bolt Academy is a big freaking deal, I can't mess this up.


(Shiloh's pov)

This walk to and from the city is the worst thing in the world, especially now that it's not raining anymore! It's so damn hot! I want to cry!

I took oranges off of the trees and drank every ounce of juice out of them and it didn't help! However, I have to see it through.

I finally made it and sat down on a bench "oh my goodness, I'm not built for the heat" I said to myself out loud.

Across the street is an ice cream shop, I can see people eating ice cream through the window. I know I can't afford it, but I really want some.

Keep it together Shiloh! You're stronger than this! I stood up and continued my journey.

I finally made it to the supermarket and bought the three things I needed. I still have some money leftover ! Aha! Ka-ching! So I'm going to look around and see what I can afford.


(Xena's pov)

My father's secretary contacted me. He hasn't heard from him either and wanted to talk to me about the 500 students Bolt Academy will be letting in for free. I own 50% of Bolt Academy so I can make these decisions myself. I told him I'd get back to him in a few days, hopefully my father turns up by then. However right now, I have something to do.


(Shiloh's pov)

I've done all the shopping that needs doing and now I can head home. Today has to be the best day of my life! Besides the weather, everything about today has been perfect. I even got to buy an ice cream cone! It's like Christmas!

As I approach my home I notice a silver Vola similar to the one that girl owns parked in front of my house.

"Please don't be in here" I thought to myself as I opened my front door.

"you're too kind Ms. Bolt! How could I ever repay you?"

"No need, I just wanted to ..."

They both turn and look at me as I stare at all of the different cuts of beef, chicken, lamb, bread, pastas, flour, snacks, jumbo gallons of water, soups' and sea food that girl brought to us; sitting on the table and floor.

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