Chapter 34

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(Jaylin's pov)

I sat down on the floor next to the door I entered through, holding the bloody sweater I let Brandon borrow.

I'm starting to lose the feeling in my ears and hands, because of how cold it is in here.

I don't think I'm ever going to get out of here. I'm gonna die here, like everyone else did.

Just then, I hear the sound of footsteps approaching growing louder and louder. I spring into action, switch the light off. Then ran and hid in one of the freezers.

"Alright lets make this quick. We don't have much time, dinner is in 30 minutes" a woman says

"Yes ma'am" a man replied.

I lift the lid just enough so I could peek out. Standing there is a woman and two men, the men are unhooking some of the bodies and dragging them out through a different secret passage.

I pay close attention to see how they were getting out. Every time the door closed behind them they'd push on the wall to the left of the door and it would open again.

I wonder if that would work on the door I came in here through.


(Xena's pov)

I put my hands in my pockets, trying to seem calm like this isn't bothering me.

"And what's all of this about?" I ask. Shiloh seems to be humiliated, he turned his gaze downward and stood up. Still off balance.

"Oh, this? It's nothing" Alex replied. Embarrassment slowly creeped into him as he realized how it would sound if he were to tell me his pride got hurt because he was rejected.

"So you're causing a scene like this over ..... nothing?"

"Surely it's something" Elektra says stepping forward, she turns her attention to Shiloh and smiles "you. what's this about?"

Everyone stares at Shiloh waiting for his response.

He stays quiet for a moment "he asked if we could hook up and I declined. That's what this is about" he spoke quietly.

"Wow. THE, Adam Jameson got rejected by a KV resident" Elektra said in an almost mocking tone.

The room filled with whispering and laughter. Adam's face twisted with disgust "he's from KV?!"

"Born and raised" she says.

I can see this is bothering Shiloh. I cut an eye at her and she smirks, "Anyway. Let's keep it down Adam. Classier folk are trying to lounge and have a good time."

I take Shiloh by the hand and pull him closer to me "if you cause another disturbance like this I'll have to tell Lance. That won't end well for you" I walk out of the lounge, Shiloh in hand


(Jude's pov)

There's a large group of people congregated in the hallway outside of the lounge. What's this about?

I squeeze through the crowd, trying to get closer look at what's happening.

There she is again, I wish I could remember her name. Shiloh told me but I forgot again.

She's standing there with her arms crossed, "Alright. There's nothing more to see here. Be gone" she says looking at the crowd. Everyone started walking off quickly and I stood there staring.

She notices me again and her gaze softened. She really is quite beautiful.

I started toward her but was suddenly snatched so hard by the wrist I almost fell!

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