Chapter 2

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(Xena's pov)

I'm at my fifth meeting of the day, I'm tired and bored. In my conference room, drinking cheap coffee, listening to a sales pitch is what I spend most of my time doing.

"Ms. Bolt I promise you, if you fund our product I really feel-" "let's end it here Mr. Welsh, I've seen enough" I interrupt as I pack up my things. I haven't had any luck today; everyone's products have been ridiculous and I just want to call it a day.

"I'll be in touch" I say as I gesture for my team to follow me, we rush out of the door and form a neat single-file line "What's next on the agenda?" I ask as I make my way to the lobby,

"there's nothing more on the agenda Ms. Bolt" my secretary replies

"wonderful, you should all go home to your families now" I say getting into my Vola (flying car). Once my chauffeur drives off I let out a groan and let down my hair from my ponytail "today was a long day, how ya holding up Ben?" I asked my chauffeur, since we left the house early in the morning and we've been out all day.

"I'm doing fine, how are YOU doing? You've been working non-stop for three days straight" he says in a concerned tone.

"I'm fine ben, let's just...go home" I say, I've known Ben since birth; he's like the mom I never had "you shouldn't do so much work in one day, I'm aware you have many clients but you should spread out your meetings" he says in a serious tone.

"yeah, yeah I know." I say looking out of the window. It's always so depressing when it rains, there's this thick fog that settles over the city every time and we have to fly through it everyday. Today flying high is off limits, we have to stay closer to the ground because the fog is too thick and the police would like to avoid wrecks.

I let out a sigh "I just don't want to miss out on something great, these people have great ideas..... sometimes" I explain, I slump back into my seat and close my eyes.

"no luck today?" He asks

" nope"

He just shakes his head and we continue our ride in pure silence.


When we arrive I see my best friend Elektra waiting out front with her arms spread wide. Our story is a simple one, we didn't become best friends until elementary school but we already knew of each other since our fathers were friends and business partners. Elektra was a closed off child, she wouldn't play with the other children or even speak to them. She didn't feel they were worth her time or respect. However, she took a liking to me; so her father would invite my father and I over for playdates. Elektra never changed though, she still has no friends and the only time she speaks to people is when it's time to do business.

I get out of the car and hug her "how long have you been here?" I ask as she picks me up and whorls me around.

She smiles cutely at me and says "I just left court, I was being sued"

I roll my eyes and laugh "I see....let's go inside and talk more about it" I took her by the hand and led her into my house.


The next morning I sat by the window and drank my coffee as I looked out at the foggy city. All I could think about was my father and how he still isn't back. I miss him like crazy. He went away on some business trip but I haven't heard from him since. I hope all is well and he's just too busy to talk, I'd understand if that were the case.

It's raining again. The sound of rain hitting the cars is so relaxing to me. I allow myself to just sit in that moment for a little while, I don't want to think about going out today.

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