Chapter 3

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(Shiloh's pov)

It's getting late, I only have one more client to visit and then I'll be done for the day.

I approached a small booth with a security guard in it.

"I'm here to make a delivery" I say as I catch my breath.

"to whom?" He asks, approaching me

"uh it says 'Foyers Inc.' "

I hand him the piece of paper and we make eye contact. He holds the paper in his hand but doesn't look at it at all, just stares. He seems shocked.

"yep. I'm a guy" I said as I let my hair down from the bun I had it in, hoping it would make me appear more "masculine". He seemed to snap out of it when I spoke again, his face began turning red and all I could think was "please don't flirt with me, please don't flirt with me" as he examined the paper I gave him.

He clears his throat before speaking "uh, yeah you'll have to head into the city. It's not too far from here on foot, maybe a 5 minute walk max"

"thanks man" I say as I swiped my paper out of his hand and started walking.

"I could give you a lift if you wan-" "nope, I'm good! Thank you!" I interrupted and quickly walked away.

"What is wrong with people?" I ask myself out loud as I walk to the river and sit down. I look into the water at my reflection, as I look at my face I start to think about all the times I was told "you're so pretty" and "you don't look like a boy" it used to make me angry but I'm used to it now. I let out a sigh "welp, let's get this over with" I say getting up and dusting off.


I finally dropped off my last load for the day, I smell bad and I have pit stains but I'm all done. I sat on the floor in front of the shop and I began to overhear the shop owner on the phone "yes, yes my Jude has been working hard to get into Bolt Academy....I know, I know it's expensive but every year they allow five hundred students to get in for free.....yes! All they have to do is write a letter!.... Seriously! No kidding! Especially for..." She walks deeper into the shop and I can no longer hear her. Bolt Academy is talked about worldwide. It's everyone's dream school, 100% of the students that have graduated are successful business owners. It's incredibly hard to get into, next to impossible actually. I closed my eyes and began to think about how if I were to get accepted I'd be a millionaire in one year.

"people like me can only dream" I said to myself out loud

"what ya dreamin' about?" Someone asks.

I opened my eyes and see a boy around my age bent down staring at me "don't take this the wrong way but....I thought you were a girl until you spoke" he says as he continues to examine my face.

I stand up and dust myself off "I don't know how to respond to that...." I say in an irritated tone.

The boy laughs and says "you took it the wrong way I see, I'm Jude and this is my mom's shop" he points to the building I was sitting in front of .....

"I met her, she's a nice lady. Tell her to keep up the good work", I walked away but Jude followed.

"What's your name?"


"nice to meet you Shiloh, so....where ya headed?"


"'re headed out of town"

"I live out of town"

He gasps obnoxiously "you're an 'out of towner?'"

"uh, yeah? I guess"

"well that explains the.... clothes"

" get off my back, I just got off of work 5 minutes ago"

He laughs again "do you come to town often?"


"Sheesh, so mean. I'm just being friendly"

"Look, I appreciate it but I'm exhausted and I just want to go home"

"well how far do you live?"

"I live in Koope Village"

"but that's like an hour away!"

"It's actually two hours away"

"same thing!"

"Not really, I'll see you around Jude, hopefully when I'm smelling better and feeling better"

"I wasn't even gonna mention the smell" I cut an eye at him and he gave me a goofy grin "be safe, it was nice meeting you"

"Ditto" I said before I set off on my journey.

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