Chapter 4

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(Xena's pov)

There's a fabric store I like to visit near Montonana ave, I'm headed there now to meet up with my clothing designer. We'll be picking out fabric to buy for the suit I need made; I've been invited to a soiree hosted by a business associate. I've been eyeballing this fabric for months now, they didn't have it in stores for a while but they do now and I'm going to be the first one to buy it.

(Shiloh's pov)

My feet are killing me but I can't sit down anywhere. Store owners keep running me off, one of them even chased me with a broom! I could just go sit at a bus stop or a bench but they're either soaked or full of people, I smell bad! I'd be too embarrassed to sit with them! And my clothes are filthy! Ugh!Why does my life have to suck so much.

It's so dark now, I know mom is worried sick. I should head home without stopping but I'm just too tired. Most of the shops are starting to close early, I wonder why. It's so cold out and hard to see through all this fog, luckily there's still one store open.

(Xena's pov)

I've finally arrived, my clothing designer still isn't here yet so I'll just look around until she arrives.

"Finding everything okay Ms. Bolt?" The store owner asks

"I'm not looking for anything in particular, I'm just looking" I responded

"My apologies" she says before she heads to the back of the store.

It's kind of awkward being alone in a store, I feel like I'm being watched.

I hear the store's door swing open, it makes a 'ding dong' sort of sound. When I turn around I lock eyes with a man, he's a bit shorter than me, about 5'7 maybe 5'6 with long jet black hair that comes down to his waist.

His shoulders are broad and his waist is small, his legs; long and thin.

His eyes are big and brown with full, long lashes. The kind of eyes only a doll would have.

His skin is a light-golden color almost like pale caramel, or coffee with lots of milk.

He has an almost pink undertone. His nose and cheeks are flushed due to the cold weather. It looks cute on him.

His lips are a natural red which compliments his dark hair nicely.

I quickly look away from him trying not to stare too long. I just started picking up random things and looking at them closely to seem distracted.

The guy sat down in the sitting area close to the door, he slumped back in his seat and closed his eyes and I took the opportunity to get a better look.

His clothing is ragged and stained, it's covered in sweat and is horribly faded. Both his shirt and pants look poorly made. His boots are filthy and they seem to be too big, all of his clothes seem too big.

He opens one eye and looks at me "can I help you?" He asks in an irritated tone.

"I don't need any help, thanks" I said sarcastically, turning my attention back to a piece of floral fabric only a grandma would buy. He rolls his eyes then closes them again.

"are you homeless or something?" I ask while still still looking at a bunch of shit I know I'll never buy.

He cuts an eye at me with a disgusted look on his face "is this how you speak to people all the time? Or do you feel more comfortable speaking to me this way because I'm not decked out in the most exquisite clothing?"

I'm taken aback by this response, I don't know how to respond to be honest.

"I'll take that as a yes then" I say trying to sound unsurprised

He sighs, "just look at your fabrics and leave me be" he says then closes his eyes.

Feeling a little embarrassed, I continue to look at random things.

"this isn't a hotel you know, you'll get mop water thrown on you if you fall asleep here" he ignores me and continues resting his eyes.


(Shiloh's pov)

What's with this city? Everyone's snooty and rude. If this is what city life is gonna be like then I'll just stay where I'm at, I don't want to work with people like this.

"Well. Don't say I didn't warn you, scruffy" she says before I hear her walk away.


Did she just call me scruffy??? What the hell is wrong with this girl?

Has she lost her mind? I just want to rest in peace, why is my day going so bad?! I hear the store's door open and the girl from earlier greets the person coming in.

"sorry I'm late, there was traffic due to the fog" the woman explained

"oh it's no problem at all, I actually found the fabric I wanted while I was waiting"

"perfect, let's buy it and head out. We can discuss designs at a coffee shop, my treat" the woman says and then they walked off.

"'oh it's no problem at all' shut up Satan, you're not nice!" I thought to myself.


The girls are leaving, finally. And the store owner is walking them out "come back anytime Ms. Bolt"

"thank you Mrs. Webbs. Take care of yourself okay?" She replies.

Ms. Bolt? That's her name? Hmm sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on where I've heard that last name. Maybe I'm just too tired. When I opened my eyes we made eye contact.

I rolled my eyes at her and she smiled "oh by the way, are all of the costumers allowed to sleep in here?" She then gestures to me with her head.

The store owner looked at me and her face fell "are you...okay miss? Do you need any food or water?" She asked me.

How humiliating! I'm a guy damnit! Now I'm too embarrassed to speak, should I try to sound feminine?

No! nevermind yourself Shiloh; you got this!

"no, I'm fine thank you. I've just been traveling for a while" I explain as I pack up my things "I'm all rested now so I'll be on my way"

she seems shocked for a moment then says "you can stay if you want, I won't bother you" this made me feel emotional, she reminds me of my grandma.

"I really should get going, my mom will worry if I don't make it home before 10"

"you said you've been traveling, how far from home are you?"

"About two hours on foot" I said, the girl from before seemed shocked by this fact.

"you walked all the way here? What for?" She asked.

I pointed at my empty bag and wagon "work".

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