Chapter 40

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(Shiloh's pov)

I ran my hands along both sides of Xena's back. She has such a nice back, I wonder if her body is naturally this toned or if she just works out a lot.

She smells amazing, her cologne and hair products compliment each other well.

I buried my face in the crook of her neck and pulled her as close as possible to me. This hug feels like free therapy.

Xena began massaging my scalp, running her nails through my hair. Starting from the back and stopping at my hairline. It feels amazing.

It took every bit of inner strength I had, to pull away from the hug. I looked up at her face and smiled. I know I look crazy right now, with my makeup all smudged.

The intensity in her eyes made my heart flutter, I love when she looks at me like that. It feels like she's staring straight through my soul.

Before I know it,  I'm leaning in for a kiss, my whole face is hot and my heart is beating a million miles a minute.

I can feel the warmth of her breath on my face. Her eyes still locked on mine, her hands resting on my thighs

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks.

.....what the hell am I doing?

"sorry....that was weird" I said scooting backwards, a good distance away from her.

"It's fine. We should probably head back" Xena said awkwardly, standing up and dusting off. She offered her hand to me, I hesitated before taking it.

".....okay" she helped me off the ground and started walking, I followed.

I'm so disappointed in myself. Why did I chicken out? Why am I like this?!

I was the same way with Sky. I wouldn't make a move, hoping she would instead. I hate that about myself.

Now everything is going to be weird....way to go Shiloh, you ruined your friendship.


(Jude's pov)

Where'd they go?!

Mrs. Green headed back to the hotel, I told her I'd clean up and wait for Shi and Xena to come back but that was 30 minutes ago.

I'm really starting to worry, and these damn mosquitoes are drinking me dry! I won't have a drop of blood left in my body if they don't hurry the hell up.

I stood up and dusted the grass off of my clothes, just then I could see the two of them approaching.

"Finally!" I say dramatically, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Sorry about that....." He looks over at Xena, who refuses to meet his gaze.

"I think the fireworks are starting soon, wanna watch them in my Vola?"

"Hell yeah! Is that even a question!? I call shotgun!!" I say running off.


(In the car)

It's so awkward for some reason, there's something up and I wanna know what it is.

I sigh obnoxiously ".....what happened?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Xena replies.

"I mean, you two are acting weird....did you two have a fight?"

"No, we're not fighting. We're just enjoying the silence...." Shiloh responds.

"Then why do you sound so sad? And Xena's being hella awkward, I've never seen her be awkward before! She's cool..."

Neither of them reply, confirming my suspension. I wonder what they fought about.

A few more long seconds go by.... it's killing me!

"C'mon guys please just make up, the tension is suffocating!"

"Jude!...... drop it. okay?!" Shiloh says in an agitated tone.


"Xena. Can you lower the Vola please? I think I'm going to sit this one out. I watch the fireworks every year, this year won't be any different from the last"

She shoots me a confused/concerned look "Sure" she replied.

As soon as the Vola was low enough, he opened the door and stepped out. Closing it behind him and walking off.

"Was it something I said?" I asked.

She shrugs "maybe, let's just give him some space."

" don't want to tell me about what happened either?"

"It's.....well...." She stared at her steering wheel for a moment "I don't really know how to explain what happened, I'm not quite sure, myself"

"Okay well just walk me through it...from the top"


(Xena's pov)

Should I? Would Shiloh be upset? He seems sensitive about it.

"Okay I'll walk you through it, but don't bring it up to Shiloh anymore. When he's ready he'll talk to you about it"

"Okay, I I'm worried!"

"No need, it's nothing bad." I take a deep breath before telling him in great detail about what happened.

He was silent for a moment trying to think of a response "......I don't know what to say."

"Yep. Same here."

"Maybe he's upset because he leaned in for the kiss and you didn't lean in too"

"Maybe. I don't know."

He was silent for another moment...

"why didn't you?"

The whistle of a firework cutting through the air steals our attention, we watch in silence as the beautiful lights fill the sky.

That's a good question.....

Why didn't I? I've never thought about the way I feel about Shiloh romantically before tonight. I'd admittedly get jealous of Sky every once in a while, but I'm still not sure why though.

I completely zone out, thinking about every interaction Shiloh and I have had leading up to tonight.

I want to say I'm certain I feel something for him, but I wouldn't call it love. So what should I call it then?

Damn it Jude....


(Shiloh's pov)

I can't quit crying. How am I supposed to continue hanging out with Xena after tonight? After I embarrassed myself in front of her.

I can't quit thinking about it. How awkward it was, I bet it was twice as awkward being in Xena's position.

Imagine comforting your friend and they lean in to kiss you, then they stop abruptly and say "sorry"......I'm humiliated.

I can hear the fireworks in the distance, I hate that I'm missing it. I would've been sitting in the Vola with my two best friends watching fireworks if didn't do that.

Instead I'm sitting on top of my barn, watching fireworks alone.

I hate everything about tonight.

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