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(Jaylin's pov)

Things have been...better lately.

I get more sleep than I had been for months, I feel safe knowing that no one knows where I am. This place is quiet and heavily guarded, it feels therapeutic being here.

I have my own personal chef, cleaners that come by every day and a laundry service that stops by every day; I'm living like royalty here.

knock, knock, knock "mail!" a man's voice calls out.

Oh yeah and I have my mail delivered to my room. I open my door and take the mail from the man, then sit at my desk and begin going through it.

It's mostly bills and post cards from distant family members, but then I notice a brown envelope. I quickly opened it and inside of it was a CD.


(Shiloh's pov)

I got Jude back to his car, he was quiet the whole way back.

Finally, he broke the silence, "this is so fucked up....I have the absolute worst luck" he slumps back in the seat.

I sigh "I know this whole thing keeps on getting more and more complex. The organization that woman works for, has some very specific plans for you."

"what 'skills' do I have that an underground mafia group would find useful in the first place? and what did she mean by 'not-so-distant future'? It almost sounds like a threat."

"I don't think so, I think they want you to be a part of it..... whether you want to or not"

"this is so fucking fucked Shi...." I can hear tears on his voice, I place a comforting hand on his forearm.

"hey, Jude. try to relax, look you're my best friend and I'm not going to let anything happen to you. Even if we have to skip town, we're going to survive this okay? we got this."

"Shi I-" he's interrupted by a knock on the passenger window. The knock made me jump, standing outside my window is a tall, fit, masked man. I was too afraid to even scream.

Jude starts the car, and puts the car in drive "wait, wait! Jude it's me, calm down" the man says frantically.

"J----Jaylin?! what the hell are you doing at my house?"

"I have something really important to show you"


(Xena's pov)

After our meeting with Lance I needed to take a break, this whole situation is stressful and confusing. I don't have any solid proof of anything, there's a lot of holes in this story and a lot of powerful people involved.

My phone rings, breaking me out of my deep thought "yeah?" I answer

"Hey, is Jaylin with you?" Elektra asks.

"Uh, no, he should be at the house. I told him to stay put"

"Well....he's missing. I've tried calling him, but he's not picking up."

"Fuck! I'll be right there" I hang up and speed over there.


(Elektra's pov)

As soon as Xena pulls up I get in her Vola, I show her the phone she gave to Jaylin "now I know why he's not answering" I say, throwing the phone in one of her cup holders.

"he didn't want us to track him" she says. I've never seen Xena look this exhausted and defeated, this whole situation is taking a toll on her.

"we'll find him. I already have my men on the look out. Let's see if he went back to the dorm or if he's hiding out in his daddy's house". She nods and takes off.

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