Chapter 35

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(Shiloh's pov)

I opened my eyes and looked around at the room I'm in. It's dimly lit and there's classic music playing.

"Oh, yeah. I'm at Xena's house" I said aloud. My head is killing me, I don't remember dozing off. I wonder how long I slept.

I got out of bed and made my way to Xena's bedroom door. I hesitated before knocking "Xena?" I said quietly.

There was no answer for a while then the door opened. Standing there was a man a bit taller than I am, his eyes are round with thick eyelashes. They look as if he put eyeliner on, they're beautiful.

His nose is perfect, like it was sculpted from clay and he has perfect full lips. His face in its entirety looks very youthful and innocent.

"S-sorry! I didn't know Xena had company"

"Aren't you Xena's company?" He replied coldly.

"Oh, yeah.....I guess I am"

"She's not here, she's out doing business. She'll probably be home at 5 am"

Sheesh, That's all night. I wonder what she's up to. She's never told me what she does for a living.

"Oh....okay. sorry to bother you"

"No worries." He said, closing the door.

Is that.... Casey?

He's beautiful.

I wandered around the house looking around at her decoration and furniture.

"Oh! You're up?!" I heard a familiar voice speak.

I turned around and smiled warmly "hi Lola, you work this late?"

"Not usually. Xena called me and asked me to make you my specialty porridge. I must warn you though it doesn't taste the best but it'll make you feel better"

"I'll eat every drop, don't worry....


.....Lola? Do you know where Xena is?"

"She's working. She left not too long ago so she won't be back until late"

Crap. I missed her.

"Yeah. That guy said the same thing"

"Oh?! You met Casey"

"Yeah...a few minutes ago"

"I hope he wasn't rude to you. He and Xena had a little.....disagreement right before she left and they were both pretty upset. He isn't in the greatest mood"

Disagreement? What did they argue about?

"Is everything okay with them?"

"Yeah, it was just a little argument. Don't worry too much. I just wanted to give you a heads up" she served me a bowl of porridge and walked off.

I sat there trying to remember how I got here. Everything is a blur to be honest. I remember fighting with that guy Jude had a thing for in the bathroom, but why were we fighting?

Oh, yeah. He aggressively tried to kiss me. I remember not being able to fight him off properly because every time I moved the room would spin. My head was spinning and I was burning up, i got sick randomly.

Before I knew it I was in Xena's car and she was calling a doctor or something and now I'm here. The rest of the night is pretty fuzzy.

And.....OH NO! JUDE!


(Jude's pov)

Tonight was strange, stranger than things usually are at these parties. I'm starting to get worried about Shiloh, I know he's with Xena but I still want to talk to him.

I wonder what Jaylin meant by something bad was about to happen. He still isn't home yet, I hope he's okay.

My phone rang and a smile spread across my face "hell-"

"JUDE! Oh my goodness, where are you?"

"I'm home, are you still with Xena?"

"Yeah...well no, but I'm at her house"

"You're spending the night there?"

"Yeah, she brought me here after I got into a fight. She thought I got drugged's a long story"

"A fight?! With who?......did you win?"


"What?!....I wanna know!"

"The rest of the night is a blur, what happened?"

"I lost you halfway through the night, I started to look for you but my roommate showed up and told me to leave. I told him to look for you and he said you were with Xena"

"Aw man, I'll ask Xena about it when she gets home"

"Home, huh?" I said mischievously

"You know what I mean! Not our home, her home"

"Mmmhmmm...just admit that you like her"

"I don't, okay!? Goodbye, I'll see you tomorrow" he hung up before I could respond.


(Xena's pov)

Tonight was a shit show. After looking over what my men found, I'm starting to realize that something malicious is going on. From what I read it seems like they're selling organs, but if they're talking young people into selling their organs why is it a secret?

Two of my men went missing, that's not good. If they don't report to me by tomorrow I'll know for sure they found something Lance doesn't want people to know about.

I walked into my house and hung my coat up. I can hear loud laughter coming from the kitchen "no really! I'm not even lying!" Lola says

"Lola... you're awesome! I'm literally a loser. I can't even have sex with my girlfriend! I'm afraid of her, she so pushy....y'know"

They've.....been drinking.

"She's not even your girlfriend anymore remember?!"

"Oh, yeah. She broke up with me. I'm such a loser"

I clear my throat loudly.

"XENA!? When did you get back? I waited for you all night" Shiloh says. He stands up and walks towards me.

"I just got back right now, are you feeling any bette-"

He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my chest, closing his eyes.

I'm completely frozen. How should I react?

He yawns "I was worried about you. I thought I'd never see you again"

I just stood there, my entire body is tense. Should I hug him back? I don't know what to do.

"Well, I'm safe can go to bed now. We'll talk in the morning, okay?"

He nods but doesn't let go. Is this really happening?

"C'mon Shiloh let's get you to bed" I say again patting him on the back.

"Okay, just a few more seconds. I really need a hug right now" he sniffles.

I wrapped an arm around him and rubbed his back with my free hand.

He smells like baby powder, it suits him honestly.

He let go and took a step back, eyes still closed. "I thought you were gonna disappear again. When you went out of town I was so stressed out, but then you came back.....and I was so happy....


.....I'm glad we're friends Xena."

Tears rolled down his cheeks and I quickly wiped them.

He's an even bigger crybaby when he's drunk. He's adorable.

I laughed a little "hey, hey don't cry too much, you'll get a head ache" I ruffled his hair and he grabbed my wrist.

"Come on" he said leading me to the guest bedroom.

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