chapter 45

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(Xena's pov)

*After dinner/Xena's office*

"Did you find anything useful about Jaylin?" I ask

"We learned that he doesn't really leave his house ....that's about it."


"We need to do something....we can't just keep waiting and watching"

"So what do you suggest?"

"Let's go pay him a visit tonight, you have his roommate here. We'll go talk to him, show him the footage and make him explain himself."

"That- that's actually a good idea...."

"Of course it is, now come on..."

"Okay I'll let the boys know I'm stepping out"

She rolls her eyes and stands up "I'll be in the car" and with that, she leaves.

I recline in my seat and close my eyes. My life has been so stressful for the last six months, I just want to unplug from all of this.

"All done?" Casey asks as he peeks his head inside my office.

"Yep....all done"

He walks over to me and straddles my lap, I rest my hands on his hips "what are you working on anyway?"

"Family business bullshit, I wish my dad were here....."

"Yeah, I okay? I'll help out if you need me to" he looks genuinely concerned.

I smile "I'm fine, this is just annoying"

He nods then kisses me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

There's a knock at the door and Casey pulls away. "you should probably get that"

I shake my head and continue kissing him. The door swings open "Hey, Xena we--o-oh! sorry!" Shiloh says, he immediately slams the door back shut.

Casey laughs and shakes his head, then leans in for another kiss "I should.... probably see what he wants" I say, pulling away from the kiss.

"It can wait...."

"It's probably important...." I say gently pushing him out of my lap.

He rolls his eyes "whatever" he says storming out.


(Shiloh's pov)

Oh my God! This is literally the worst day of my life! I ran back to the guest room and quickly closed the door behind me.

"What?! What happened?!" Jude asks, eyes wide as he walks over to me.

"I just walked in on Casey and Xena"


"Jude! Keep your voice down!"

"What did you see?! Were they naked?"

"No they were wearing clothes"


"And they were making out!"

"Oh.....that's not that bad"

"It is for me! This is so embarrassing! I feel like I walked in on someone using the bathroom"

"It's fine okay? You're overthinking it"

"Jude I-" suddenly there's a knock at the door and I could literally feel my heart sink.

I motion for Jude to come open the door, then rushed over to the bed and hid under the sheets.

Jude opens the door "hey Xena, what's up?"

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