Chapter 38

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(Xena's pov)

Lance said something that rubbed me the wrong way in his toast that night at the soiree.

He said...

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, but the strongest people are the guiltiest and while the strong ones eat the weak.....the guilt eats the strong"

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Everything about that night seemed off, especially Jaylin. He was noticeably uncomfortable and disgusted when they serve our meals. He even excused himself from the table.

Because of his reaction I didn't eat it, I shot a warning look to Electra, she didn't touch it either. He must know something we don't and I'd like to know what that is.

I still haven't heard from my men so I sent a team to look for them. I doubt they're alive but I want the body cams they had on.

I can't make a move until I know what we're up against.


(Shiloh's pov)

The day has finally come. The infamous KV festival is today and I don't have a costume.

I thought that Sky would be making my costume for me but.....yeah.

I don't know what to do now, I'm not creative enough to make one on my own.

"What do you think?" Jude asks while striking a pose. His costume is...not what I was expecting, he's going as a peacock.

"Why a peacock though?"

He gasps, obviously offended "w-why a-? because they're cool Shiloh!" He huffed and stomped away.

Sheesh, my bad.

Mom is going to the festival too, she's still living out of the hotel room and refuses to go home until her stay is over. She said she wanted to cook a few dishes and bring them with her, we're going to have a picnic near the lake.

I can't wait.

I heard a knock at my door and went to open it. Standing there is a very obviously embarrassed Xena dressed as a ninja "please don't say a word about my costume, I couldn't think of anything else to go as"

I've never seen her in anything so tight fitting before. She has such a small waist and wide hips, her legs are well muscled and her arms are toned.

Not that I was looking, but she actually has really nice sized boobs. I'd never noticed before.

Not that I was trying to see!

Her hair is slicked back and she's wearing heavy eyeliner with deep red lips.

She's unreal.

"Whoa! No way, you're going as a ninja! You have to be kidding, Xena you're way too cool and it's starting to make me sick" Jude said snapping me out of my trance.

He circled around her, his mouth gaped in amazement "you're a peacock right? That's actually a good costume choice, I should've chosen an animal as well. I'm showing up to a festival dressed as a ninja, I'm going to be so out of place" Xena says.

"Yeah, maybe. But why fit in with the rest of the crowd when you can be the coolest person there?"

"He has a point" I cut in, giving her a playful smirk.

She clears her throat loudly, our compliments are making her awkward. It's so cute.

"Shiloh, where's your costume" she asked, sounding almost concerned.

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