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(Xena's pov)

*Lance's office*

We decided to pay Lance a visit first thing this morning, since he claimed to be too busy to meet later on today.

It's so early the sun isn't even out yet.

After making us wait 20 minutes he finally enters the room, "sorry to keep you waiting" he says then he takes a seat in his office chair.

"I understand, it's extremely early. We wish we could've come later but your attention seems to be in high demand these days"

He chuckles weakly "I suppose it is. Now, what does THE Xena Bold need to speak with me about?"

I slide the paper with the missing students to him, I let a moment of silence fall over the room as he looks at the page bewildered.

"Does it look familiar?" Elektra says, giving him a patronizing smile.

He gathers himself and clears his throat "I'm afraid not, may I ask what this is?"

"That. Lance. Is a list of missing BA students."

"How..... unfortunate."

"Isn't it."

The room falls silent again. Lance sets the paper down on the desk and continues staring at it.

"I don't recognize anyone on this list, I wish I could assist you more. I pray that these people are safe and well" he says giving us a sweet smile.

"Why don't you flip the page over.... maybe you recognize some of those names" Electra says.

He does as she says and it goes completely still. His ears began to turn red and his breathing speeds up

"Want to tell us what the hell this is Lance?" I asked, bored of the polite and respectful conversation.

"ah! Yes. This. Its...It's just a log of the students who had to abruptly leave the academy."

"How did you even get access to this information in the first place? How is it that you're keeping track of the students, yet you're not even connected to the academy?"

"A friend of mine at the academy gave me access to these records, as they were concerned that some students were going missing over the past few months. My friend was worried that something foul was taking place, so they provided me with this information to help investigate."

"What, friend?!? It is illegal to disclose this kind of information!"

"I'm well aware. Which is why the friend in question requested that I didn't disclose their identity, due to the sensitive nature of the information. They're doing me a favor by granting me this privilege, so I would like to respect their request and keep them out of any suspicion. I'm sure you understand."

"This is actual bullshit! People are missing and potentially dead and you're worried about your sworn loyalty to your shady ass friend"

Staring at his nonchalant face makes my blood boil! He has something to do with this, and I'm going to figure out what.

"Did you discover any clues to help us figure out why they all disappeared so suddenly?" Elektra asks

"It's not our business to know, but it's not a mystery how students might suddenly drop off the map. They're adults with their own lives to live."

“Do you really think we’d believe that this many students can just “go missing” without some kind of foul play being involved? We’re not fools, Lance.” I say, growing more frustrated as this conversation carries on.

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