Chapter 44

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( Jaylin's pov)

*A week later*

I'm being followed. This time it isn't a feeling, I'm 100% being followed. There are two men in a sleek black Cadillac parked outside of the dorm rooms, watching me.

It's not even like they're trying to hide it, they roll the windows down and just stare. They wear full face masks with smiley faces on them. It's so unsettling.

I don't want to tell my dad about it, I know he'll flip out and I'm not sure exactly how dangerous these people are. They know that I know.....there's no telling what could happen.

I need to sneak away and go into hiding, at least until all of this dies down.

There's no way I can do this alone. I need help, but who can I rely on?

I've never been so scared in my life. I can't even sleep, it's like every time I doze off I'm back in that horrible room all over again. I'll never forget the way that room smelled and how cold it was.

Every time I close my eyes....I'm right back there. Sobbing and hugging my sweater.......that's covered in Brandon's blood.


(Shiloh's pov)

*Xena's Living room*

We've been hanging out every day at Xena's for a little over a week now, it's like a third home for Jude and I. Neither one of us wants to go home.

"Hey guys, I have a few guests coming over in a few minutes. Just thought I'd give you a heads up" Xena says as she plops down on the couch next to us.

"Oh, okay. We'll tidy up and head to the guest room so that we aren't in the way" I say, as I look down at the puzzle we just started.

"Thank God!! Shiloh was killing me with this how old are you?!" Jude complains dramatically

"Puzzles are fun!"

"Yeah for 80 year old grannies"

Xena laughs and I playfully cut an eye at her, she holds her hand up defensively and gives me a sympathetic smile.

" me clean up"

There's a knock at the door and Xena goes to answer it.

She returns with Casey and Elektra. She turns to Casey "we'll be in my office, if you need anything" she says, he smiles and nods.

"I'll go unpack" he replies

"Oh.....yeah, about that..... we're gonna be sharing a room, my friends are using that room"

"Oh...." he gives Xena a death stare and Elektra laughs.

Xena rolls her eyes and turns to us "unless you guys wanna share a room with me instead"

Jude and I shared an uncomfortable look, then chuckled nervously

"CASEY?! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU'D BE HERE" Lola says as she walks over to him and wraps him in a tight hug.

"I know, I made my decision last minute so I couldn't tell you in advance. It's so good to see you"

"That's alright, I'm just glad to see you" she kisses him on the cheek and smiled "and you too Ms. Solace! I haven't seen you in a while" she says before kissing her on the cheek too.

"Yeah, I've been really busy. I'll try to stop by more often"

"Dinner just went into the oven, it should be done in 30 minutes. Are you staying for dinner?"

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