Chapter 16

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(Jaylin's pov)

In Bolt Academy you basically choose your own roommates they're not chosen for you. As long as both parties sign the agreement it's fine.

I chose Jude hoping to get closer with him, he's the whole reason I'm here. When he signed the agreement I was honestly shocked. I was hoping he remembered me but it's clear he doesn't.

I'm kind of glad he doesn't, to be honest.

I can't even look at him, I get so nervous I start sweating and get nauseous. He keeps trying to talk to me but I just can't bring myself to have a conversation with him, God.....I'm such a loser.


(Shiloh's pov)

I made it to orientation on time and they gave us the run down.

We're basically going to be playing games all day, starting with a scavenger hunt.

We'll be put into two different teams and timed. Who ever gets done the fastest wins.

"Alright everyone come up and pick a piece of paper out of the bin. On these papers will either be the word "red" or "blue" then you'll meet up with all who chose that same color. Got it? Lets begin" the woman said.


(Jude's pov)

I'm really liking this academy now! When they said orientation I thought we were going to have to sit in a cold room and hear the instructor talk for hours. This is way better!

I'm on team red. So far no one has pulled blue.

I just stood there watching as each student went up and chose a paper.

Even that guy is here that I met outside of my mom's shop! Stinky boy is here! And he looks great!

I called out to him "Hey dude! Over here"

He's shocked for a moment then he smiles warmly at me as he walks over.

"Looks like we both made it" he says.

I can't help but notice everyone whispering and watching him. Is he famous or something? Or is it his good looks? I'm not sure.

"Looks like we did. How was your first night on campus? Is your roommate cool?"

"I don't have a roommate, I was super bummed out."

"Why didn't you just request one?"

"You can do that?!"

"Yeah? You just go to the front desk they're sitting right there. There's a list of names just pick one"

"I'll go to the front desk when I leave here"

"I hope you get a normal roommate, mine won't even make eye contact with me, he's not social at all. It's really awkward"

"Oh no, I think I'd rather just be alone......but, it's a little too quiet. I'm a bit scared to stay there alone"

He's in such a good mood today, he's smiling from ear to ear.

His smile is quite beautiful. If I had a smile like that I'd never stop smiling.

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