Chapter 20

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(Xena's pov)

It's been two days since we saw dad leave with that guy.

Elektra went back to Val City, she's going to talk to Mr. Solace about what's going on here.

He's very powerful and he'll be a lot of help. I hope my dad didn't get himself involved in anything shady.

I hear a loud banging at my door that makes me jump.

"Xena! Are you in there?" A man yelled.

He sounds like my dad's bodyguard Walter.

I didn't reply. I slowly started approaching the door and it flew open.

He kicked it?!

"Walter?! What's going on?"

"They know you're here, you need to go! Now!"

"Who knows-"

"There's no time for questions, we have to go" he grabs me by my wrist and we run out of the hotel.


(Shiloh's pov)

I stopped by both of Xena's offices again today and she still isn't there. Maybe she's avoiding me.

Since I'm in Val City I should go visit Sky. I kinda wanted to talk to her about that night, she was being really strange


When I got to Sky's shop she was working on my birthday outfit. She looked up at me and rolled her eyes then turned back around.

Don't tell me she's upset too.

"Hey Sky, I had some free time so I decided to stop by and bring you some things"

"Were you in Val City?"


"Why? Were you visiting that girl again?"

Damnit, I don't want to lie.

"Well, yeah but I-"

She whipped around and looked at me. She's furious, what should I do?

"So you came all the way here just to see her? Then after your little meeting with her, you came to see me? Is that right?"

"Well I just-"

"Why wouldn't you come to see me first? Why would you rather see her first? You two must be a thing"

"We aren't! I swear! Just calm down, I'll explain"

"There's no need to explain, you obviously like her so just go be with her"

"Sky please don't be this way, at least let me explain"

She gets up and walks over to me and I could feel my whole body turn cold.

She's going to kill me!

"Sky I-"

"Why did you go see her? What for?"

"I wanted to apologize for that night at Sam's Kitchen, she seemed really upset"

"Apologize for what exactly?"

"Just.... the way...the night went"

"Oh I see. You're apologizing for my behavior?"

"Well yeah, kind of. It's just, she seemed annoyed"

"Why would she be annoyed? All I did was show you attention, if that bothered her than she definitely likes you"

"Gosh, will you stop with that already. It's not that, we probably just made her feel like a third wheel"

"You can be in denial all you want but I know she likes you. I can tell by the look on her face when I walked in with you"

"What look? She always looks like that. It's just her face"

"Whatever. I don't want to talk about her anymore." She sits in my lap and cups my face in her hand. "Let's talk about us" she said.

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