Chapter 7

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(Shiloh's pov)

"What is all of this? I already told you we're not homeless now take your charity and leave. We're doing fine" I say.

"Shiloh?! Apologize to Ms. Bolt right this instant!" My mother says, I can tell she's furious but I just can't accept the food from this girl; she's looking down on us and I don't like it.

She stands up "it's okay Mrs. Green, really. I'll be going now, put up your groceries before they go bad"

I know it's fake.

I feel terrible for my family. Mom is happy over handouts. She's being looked down on and She's still happy.

Tears well up in my eyes and I feel like I'm about to explode!

"I said....take it and leave" I glare at the girl who seems unbothered.

"And if I don't? Then what? Actually, I have an even better question" she starts walking closer and closer to me.

She's so close to me, I can feel her breath on my face.

"If I did take the food back....what would you eat? You have food today but what about tomorrow? And the day after that?"

Tears roll down my cheeks as I continue to glare at her.

"How long did it take you to be able to afford these things? A while right? And you expect your family to continue working extremely hard instead of accepting free food?"

I don't know what to say. I'm completely speechless.

"How can you be so self-centered and ungrateful?" She said before brushing past me and walking out of the door.

"Shiloh?! What is the matter with you?" My mom asks.

I begin to feel dizzy and nauseous; my knees are weak and my legs feel like noodles.

"What's wrong with me?! Can't you see she's looking down on us?! She's pitying us! Isn't your pride hurt?" I scream at her.

She looks confused, then annoyed "what are you talking about? She delivered food to everyone in KV! Everyone's been talking about it, haven't you seen the flyers?"

I wipe the tears from my face "what flyers?"

My mom sighs, she walks over to the table and finds the flyer under all of the food "here, read" she said handing me the paper then returning to the dining table to put the groceries away.

The flyer was just a plain white piece of paper with black, basic font text that read

"Starting tomorrow, everyone will be receiving allowances and free food delivered to their homes every two weeks. Enjoy the rest of your day.

Yours truly,

Xena Bolt."

I sat there thinking about what the catch could be for a second, why is she being nice all of a sudden?

"You're always embarrassing me, what is wrong with you?" mom said putting the food away.

I instantly felt stupid.

"I'm sorry..."

"you need to apologize to Ms. Bolt, she's been a really big help. We're barely getting by, all of our income goes to your father's medical debt. I'm grateful for the handout"

she runs her hands through her hair, I can tell she really wants to cry "you should go and rest up, it's been a long day." She said. I didn't argue with her, I just left and went to the barn.

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