Cool Thing!

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Hello friends! Abigail here. 

Honestly, I enjoy using this as an update board for developments in my life, so I hope that you don't mind. If so, don't read! You won't hurt my feelings :) 

Anywho, I got some cool news today and I think that all y'all would be the ideal audience for it. I don't know if I have mentioned this, but I am currently a graduate student pursuing her MA in English with a concentration in writing pedagogy. I'm on track to graduate in the spring of 2023. One of my professors this term is a musical theatre professional and a Shakespearean scholar and he is teaching a class on Environmental Theatre where he mentioned that he was working on a theatre-based project and was looking for student collaborators. I reached out, and have now been hired as a research assistant for a biography that he is writing about Lin-Manuel Miranda, which is the only biography to be written about him with his collaboration. 

I don't believe that I can say much of anything about the project, I'm just incredibly excited and grateful, especially because being the Hamilton-obsessed teenager I was apparently really paid off. 

Sending love to everyone out there, I hope that you think that this is as cool as I do. 

Abigail :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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