Luke AU - Police Part 5

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We were slowly reaching the end of the trial. It had been a month, and I knew Marcus was working as hard as he could but I was still waking up terrified every morning.

"You didn't move all night." Kevin whispered, rubbing the small of my back. "You fell asleep with your head right there, and here we are." He laughed.

"Mmhm." I nodded, rubbing his shoulder and up around his neck.

"You slept the whole night through, too." He smiled, and kissed the top of my head. "Things getting better?" He asked, hopefully.

"Mmhm." I nodded. I didn't know if it was true but there was no point in thinking through it. "Are you coming to the trial today?" I asked.

"Mmhm, there's only a few days left, I should be there for the rest of them. It starts in three hours, we should get up."

"Mmhm." I nodded, nestling my head into the crook of my boyfriends neck.

"Morning, kids!" My Dad exclaimed, swinging the door open.

"Hi." I whispered.

"A, we're going out to breakfast." He announced, "so, um, do you want to come?"

"Yes." I grinned, sitting up.

"Okay, get dressed then, darling." He added, shaking my foot through my blanket, and then left the room.

"Why do you have to look nice for court?" I question, pretty much rolling off of my bed. I yanked a pair of fitted jeans out of my drawer and started to change into them.

"You're complaining about having to look nice, but you're putting on jeans. Oh the irony." My boyfriend mocked, and I spun around to see him sitting up crosslegged in our bed.

"I'm gonna wear a nice top." I mumbled, embarrassed.

"Are you gonna do your hair?"

"You know the answer to that is no." I shook my head, pulling a black lacy top on with the jeans. I added, a bright blue necklace, and nervously tried to situate it with the shirt.

"Ponytail?" He questioned.

"Yup." I laughed, yanking my hair off of my shoulders, and tying it into a high pony. "Done." I announced proudly, and leaned over to kiss Kevin on his cheekbone.

"I'll get dressed too." He sighed, and stood up.

"I'm gonna go into the living room, so my dad know's I'm ready to go." I decided, then left my room.

"Hi pumpkin, you look nice." My Dad smiled, as I walked into the room.

"Thanks." I forced a small smile back at him.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, patting the couch next to him.

"Good!" I exclaimed, plopping down, "Kev said I didn't move all night."

"Okay so that means you either, a, slept wonderfully, or b, slept terribly." He explained.

"We're gonna go with wonderfully." I smiled, and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, lets go with wonderfully."

"Where are we going for breakfast?"

"Russ and Daughters." My Dad decided, "nothing cheers my little one up like pancakes and pie." He offered.

"Pancakes and pie." I giggled.

"Mmhm." He nodded.

"Hey! Um, A, I should probably go in today." Kevin announced, coming into the room, "we have three hours until the trial, I'll be back for that, but it's stressful to be missing frequently." He explained.

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