||•Chapter 48•||

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From then onwards - it was like there were rehearsals everyday and Yibo's time with his family would have been decreased if not for Zhan and A'Yuan's consistent visits to the studio. That was their life for quite some time, until it was finally near the date of the comeback.

Specifically, the day before. Since it was stage rehearsals - Yibo was the only one allowed to go. Also because he wanted to keep the costume and the setting a surprise for his family. After the stage practice, Zhan and A'Yuan would meet them all at the studios again for their final final practice.

The group soon finishes a couple rehearsals - testing lighting, microphones, speakers, and so on. And move along to change back into the regular clothes so they could go back to the studio. Then they all stepped into the company vehicle, followed by their manager and other staff.

"Good job, everyone - you've all worked very hard! Let's give an amazing performance tomorrow~!", their manager cheered on. Everyone in the van applauded in joy and they chatted all the way to their company. Zhan and A'Yuan were both waiting inside the studio for everyone, but the group quieted down when they came in because the baby fell asleep.

Yibo ran over and gave a quick kiss to Zhan before taking A'Yuan into his own arms - to which the baby cuddles in to immediately. Zhan smiles softly at seeing this scene with his own eyes and Yibo sighs - almost relieved and glad to finally have the baby in his arms.

"Haa... I missed you so much... these days I can't even rock you to sleep..."

Zhan comes over and kisses Yibo's forehead.

"He misses you too.", Zhan added, and stood up to get the younger some water.

Everyone decided to sit around a chill for a while, since rehearsals were not happening when the baby was sleeping. And they weren't gonna allow Zhan and Yibo to take A'Yuan home.


A while later


"Ah- Ow!"

Yibo was cradling A'Yuan in his arms when the baby decided to nibble on his chest over his t-shirt. The members look over at him in worry and Zhan quickly steps in to explain.

"A'Yuan's been trying to get breastmilk for a while now... It's a bit strange since he was born from a man but Ziyi says it's natural..."

"Uhuh - and I'm the only one suffering..", Yibo mumbled with a pout as he tried to cover his chest from A'Yuan. Zhan sighs with an amused smile as he brought the baby into his hands and made him look at him.

"You need to stop biting there. That's mine."

Yibo slaps the elder's arm before grabbing the baby's ears, as if it could understand.

"You need to stop talking 'BS' (bullsh*t) to a child!"

He holds A'Yuan under the baby's arms, trying to make eye contact.

"I just gave you milk - why are you trying to get more?"

The baby makes weird noises and grabs onto his lips.

"That's mine too.", Zhan stated across the room, as he went to get A'Yuan's reclinable baby bed.

"Anyways - I'm gonna try and get him to sleep again. His next feeding time isn't here for another few hours.."

Yibo stood up as he gently flopped the child over his shoulder and patted his back while walking around.

And once again, their little angel fell asleep. UNIQ had already done their rehearsals - just when the baby was awake, so now all they needed was a good night's rest. So they all decided to part again.

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