||•Chapter 49•||

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Morning came really quickly for Yibo. Thanks to Zhan's warm embrace, he was able to get a good night's rest. But the nervousness of not being on stage for a while was really getting to him. The same nervousness which had led him to wake up at 4AM, wanting to get to his company studio for early rehearsals.

"Baby, are you sure you want to be there 2 hours earlier than the time you need to be? You look so nervous even though the show is like 8 hours away..."

"I feel better when I get organized... If I'm early, then that might calm the nerves...Ah, I miss A'Yuan..."

A'Yuan was sent to Zhan's parents' place for a while since the elder insisted on driving Yibo to work. Zhan sighs, shaking his head as he pulls over to the 24-hour convenience store car park and Yibo looks at him confused.

"Wait here."

Zhan disappeared into the store for a while before Yibo saw him walk back out holding a plastic bag filled with stuff. The elder stepped into the car and turned it on, starting to reverse.

"Now from what I know, it's 4AM, we have 2 hours, and you need a distraction to calm your nerves. In my opinion, what you need is to watch the sunrise while eating hot instant food. There's a portable kettle in the back right?"

"Wait but-"

"Perfect. Let's go!"

He drives off to the nearest lookout spot - or it's more like a publicized cliff - and parks. Zhan stepped out, followed by Yibo who was trying to reason again. But to his disadvantage, the elder had made up his mind. He opens the back door and takes out the scarf and beanie, which he then wraps around Yibo.


"What? Yes, but-"

"Perfect. Right this way."

He pushes Yibo to the front of the car, facing the east, then lifts the younger onto the bonnet.


"Just a few minutes."

The elder hands him the plastic bag he bought from the convenience store.

"I'm just gonna go start up the portable kettle."

Yibo opened the cover to a bunch of instant comfort food. He truly couldn't help but accept when Zhan handed him the now-cooked food. Because of the performance, Yibo had not only been eating healthy, he's also been on a diet. It's been a worry for Zhan ever since the beginning of the comeback idea.

So the two of them sat there, on the bonnet of Zhan's car. Eating instant comfort food at 4:37AM while watching the sunrise. It was the little moments like this where both Zhan and Yibo are reminded of the simplicity of life. Or even better - a reminder of how warm their relationship is. Even through the hardest of times, even through the biggest of changes - if they could just hold hands and walk together, it'll all eventually work out. Though the past was bad and the future could worse, this couple has more than enough to get through it as long as they're together.

Zhan drove Yibo to the back of the company where there was basically no one but them since it was still pretty early.

"Alright, you're still an hour early so those nerves are gonna calm either way.."

Zhan leaned over and kissed Yibo's forehead.

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