(FNAF) Hell Week (3 of 3)

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TW- Discussion of trauma, allergies, cuteness, honestly this one is pretty light.  Mostly fluff, tbh. And birds. Do with that as you will!

Here, have a picture of my baby.  Yes, her name is Chica.

Word count: 3027

About three or four months after Foxy's and Bonnie's Hell Week, it was spring.  You got to work that night all drugged up on allergy meds but excited for the new season! How could you not be?  There were so many baby animals and they were all just so /cute/! 

You plopped down on the chair in the office, your nose red and irritated from all the sneezing, and thumped your head onto the desk.  You loved spring, seeing all the new growth and the gradual shift from the brown of winter to the green of summer.  The allergies you could do without, though.  All they brought was misery and pain.

You must have fallen asleep for a bit, undoubtedly seeking a momentary reprieve from the aches and pains in your sinuses, because you were suddenly being shaken awake.  You groaned and looked up at whoever was disturbing your rest. 

Freddy's eyes widened as he took in your frankly pathetic state before he let out a poorly-hidden laugh and shook his head.  You were, quite honestly, offended! Was he taking some sort of pleasure from your suffering? Because you certainly weren't! 

You opened your mouth to say as much, however stuffy it might sound, bet he beat you to it.  "There aren't many things that I remember from my life, but that look-" he gestured at your red nose and swollen eyes, "That look is something I do remember!"  He let out another laugh and muttered, "Certainly something I don't miss."

Your offense appeased, you tried to laugh with him, but it just came out sounding painful and nasally.  He patted your shoulder and said, "Yeah, how about you don't do that anymore, huh kid?"

"Kid?" You whined, "Come on, I'm older than you!"

"In body, maybe, but not in spirit!  I'm almost 30, remember?" All of the kids possessing the animatronics had been killed twenty to thirty years ago, but the bodies they took on when in their human forms were all different.  Freddy was the oldest, at 19. Next was Foxy, who was 17.  One year younger was Bonnie, who was 16. Chica was the youngest, both in body and spirit.  She was only 12!

You glared at him, eyes narrowed.  "That's not fair," you pouted. "If we go by that, then I'm the youngest!"

"Then maybe you're going to have to be the youngest." He shrugged and patted your shoulder in mock sympathy, laughing as your eyes narrowed even further.

After you had finished your jests, you said, "I suppose there's a reason you've woken me from my slumber?  You're not just missing my wit, are you? Because if that's the only reason, I swear I'm going to kill you for a second time."

Freddy smiled and shook his head, "One, no, there's an actual reason and two, you'd have to catch me first."

"Bet!" Your hand darted for his wrist, but he danced out of the way, laughing.  You tried to stand up and chase him, but just got really dizzy and flopped back into your chair, thoroughly defeated. "Fine, you win," you yelled, "I'm not sure I'm even capable of chasing you right now."

Freddy peaked around the doorframe of the office and whispered, "Did I win?" In a really goofy voice.  It made you laugh and he seemed satisfied with that. 

"Yes, dummy," you massaged the bridge of your nose, hoping to release some of the pressure, "you won." You still looked like crap and your insides felt even worse, but at least you weren't totally miserable anymore.

"Alright," you spun on the spinny chair to face him, "What's up?"

"Chica wanted me to come ask you something," he said. Freddy suddenly seemed to age, right before your eyes. His shoulders fell and his head lowered. Even his ears seemed to droop!  "Her death week is coming up," he said sadly, "and she wanted me to ask you if you'd be willing to help her like you did with the rest of us?"

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