We Fam Now

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     The girl had fallen asleep shortly after, Ashtray still held her after. At this point, he was afraid to wake her up and having her freak out again. So he let the girl sleep on him, leaning further back into the couch. He avoided looking at Fezco. He knew how it looked, and he couldn't deny it made him feel a certain way. Something heavy in his own chest. He may not have been used to it, nor have any experience with it, but he wasn't entirely stupid. He had a pretty good idea what it was, he liked the girl. He just knew he couldn't afford to act on it, nor did he really want to. He was busy running business with his brother, plus.. he wasn't exactly keen on showing emotions other than anger. It was kind of like his coping mechanism. Which is what he was going to have to use more towards the girl after she felt better. He's been distracted long enough, and he needs to get back to business.

      Hours went by, Fezco and Ashtray had fallen asleep a while ago. Everyone slept in, quite a bit. Fezco ended up calling Jules in the morning, seeing if if was okay to bring Rue over. He explained what happened, and knew Jules and her were close, so figured Jules would be a good person for Rue to wake up too. He drove her there with Jules, bringing her up stairs. Jules was worried, that much was clear, which is why he knew leaving Rue with Jules would be good for Rue. Seeing her friend worried so much, he was hoping maybe this would get her to cut the drugs out of her life. One could hope right? He went home after that, stressed about the night he's had to endure. Fezco went to shake a shower and get ready for the day, though he didn't feel like doing much that day.

     The girl groaned, curling up as she felt a small wave of pain hit her. Ashtray woke up a bit, to tired to move. Leslie inhaled deeply quietly, as if coming to life. This caused Ashtray to wake up more, hoping to have been up before she had woken up. She opened her eyes, staring blankly at the gray tank top covered flesh in front of her. She blinked, ignoring the pain for a moment as she tried piecing it together. She slowly looked up, Ashtray looking down at her, trying not to look as awkward as he felt. She sat up quickly, still facing the back of the couch, before curling up into the back of the couch in pain. She groaned quietly, resting her forehead on the couch, huddling herself in the couch. Ashtray tensed at this, standing up from the couch.

"Lie down." She shook her head against the back of the couch, trying to gather herself. Her stomach hurt but it was fading the longer she was awake. She did however, felt out of it, tired, shaky.. and sad. She reached up, rubbing her face aggressively. Fezco made his way into the room, feeling nervous as he saw Ashtray just standing there staring at the couch. He rounded the corner quickly, looking over to see Leslie, causing him to relax a bit.

Leslie's POV

    I rested my hands on my face, leaning into the couch. My head felt foggy, almost like it was on slow motion, and my brain ached.

"You good, kid?" I groaned at the question. I felt to tired to answer, nor knowing how to answer the question.

"Come on kid, why don't you lie back down for a bit." I felt someone place a hand on my shoulder, causing me to whip my head towards it.

"Chill, just me." I looked around, Fez trying to get me back down on the couch. I lied back down, curling up as I laid facing the back of the couch. I stared blankly at the back of the couch, almost numb. My mind went blank, no thoughts coming to mind.

"I'mma get some water. I'll leave it on the table for you, just make sure you drink some." I ignored the gesture, mind not allowing me to respond as I kept staring at the fabric in front of my face. I spaced out for a while, not noticing the other two's movement. My mind was blank, not being able to think of anything.. other than guilt, I guess. I felt bad for coming home early and putting Fezco in that kind of situation. I wanted to hide behind Ashtray once Mouse put his arm around me, and brought me to the living room. My mind getting distracted then by how much of a creep the guy way.

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