I Love You Guys

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     I sighed, ignoring the text I got. Everyone's suddenly blowing up my phone the last few days. Lexi's been texting about her getting in a fight with Cassie. Cassie, adding me in a group chat and asking if I and the others could all meet at her place, which I pretended to be busy for. At the time I was helping Fez around the store. Lexi told me that Maddy ending up going off on Kat.. just everything and everyone being all over the place. I didn't even know anymore. I was just focused on helping Fez. He's been letting me help around the store, not really hanging out with the others much.

"Yo, kid, I'mma need you to hide out in your room later got it?" I tilted my head backwards to look at Fez, Ashtray laying on the couch beside me. I titled my head at Fez, as he filled a tub of water from the kitchen.

"Oh, shit. He's coming today?" I looked between the two as Ashtray sat up from the couch he was on. My face twisted slightly as I pieced this together.

"Ew, not that fucking creep." Fez laughed quietly from his spot as Ashtray sent me an unreadable look.

"Yeah that creep." I nodded leaning back into the couch until it was time. Fez stopped filling the tub, making his way passed us and down the hall. I watched him curiously, making his way to his grandmother's room. Now, I literally knew jackshit about her, literally only knew that, that was his grandmother. I wasn't sure if it was a sensitive topic or not, and didn't want to upset them, but I was generally curious. I stared after him, even after he was out of view for a moment, finally turning back to the TV. I jumped up from the couch, a banging on the door sounding. Ashtray shot up from the couch, rushing to the other room before buzzing the door. He came back out, taking his spot on the couch as Rue made her way in.

"Yo, Leslie. Some fucked up shit man." I raised a brow at her, wondering what happened this time. She's.. off. Hyper.. wait.. is this a manic episode? Is she manic? She looked around, walking towards the back as she looked at Ash.

"Where's Fez? Fez back there?" Not waiting for a reply as she rushed back. I watched her, staying in my spot.

"Fuck it." I rushed up from my spot, making my way back, to find out what she was on about.

"Yo, Fez. So you know every 90's thriller, right, Morgan Freeman plays the same semi-psychic black cop?" I made my way behind her, glancing in the room at Fez was he washed down his grandmother. I frowned at him as he glanced at me. I shrugged my shoulders, him glancing over to Rue.


"So, I know that's kind of racist, but the point is, in every movie, he's always calmly putting the fucking pieces of the case together, while everybody else around him is fucking freaking out, saying, 'You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Morgan.' 'You're-You're a fucking bad husband.' 'You should fucking retire.' But no. Morgan is fucking hyper-focused. Because he can see beyond the little details. He's looking for the big fuckin' picture. Because all of this shit? It's connected, Fez. And it is way bigger than any of us can even fucking see." I stared at Fez wide eyed, as he glanced between us. I looked back, Ashtray standing in the living room with his arms crossed as he watched us. I shook my head, inhaling deeply.

"The point is, that's me. Right now, that is fucking me. I can see everything so fucking clearly. I know what happened, I know why it happened, and I know what the fuck I'm gonna do about it." I squinted my eyes at her, wondering if this had to do with hers and Jules complex relationship.

" I squinted my eyes at her, wondering if this had to do with hers and Jules complex relationship

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