My First Time at a Drug Pickup.. Could Have Gone Worse Right?

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        I slowly crept down stairs, both the boys' bedroom doors were open, which meant they were down stairs already. Ashtray left right after hugging me back, never saying anything.

"That you, kid?" I kept going down the stairs, slowly to a stop as I round the corner. Both of them sat on the couch, both smoking as they sat quietly. I looked between the two of them, both unreadable looks, as I made my way to sit on the couch opposite of them. I sat on my hands, awkwardly looking between the two.

"You're not like.. mentally fucked from last night are you?" I blinked, mouth twitching as I almost laughed.

"Why woul- Okay, I get the normal person being affected by this, but I care more about the shit aftermath than I do actually seeing the fuckface dead." I shrugged. I mean, it was my first time seeing a dead body, and you think I'd feel worse but I don't. I almost liked seeing him dead, what I didn't want to see is Ash getting arrested or killed because of this. I don't know what the fuck could happen. The police could find the body, someone find out and rat, or someone that worked for Mouse could come by for revenge, I don't fucking know! Literally everything came to mind... and it scared me to think of everything that could happen.

"I'm serious, Leslie. Are you okay?" I rolled my head a bit, looking at Fez impassively. Will my face was, my eyes, I'm sure they could see the content. I was glad he was dead, he was going to hurt Fez, and has threaten him before. He deserved to die. Like I said, I'm just worried about Ash and Fez, now having new obstacles.

"I'm serious, Fez. Seeing him did not faze me in any negative way. I'm just worried about you guys.. Ash." I looked down finally, mulling over the possibilities.

"What if someone finds out? What's gonna happe-" He held a hand out, shaking his head. He sighed closing his eyes for a second.

"Don't worry 'bout that right now, kid. I need you to promise though, you need to promise if something does go down.. You'll leave, and you can't look back." I stiffened, the thought of something happening and than having to leave them behind, made me sick. I tried biting my lip, brows knitting together as I tried keeping my face straight. My eyes glanced to Ash worriedly, looking back at Fezco with the same look.

"I can't let an'thing happen to you, Leslie. So, promise me." I looked down, feeling my face get red. I gripped the couch under me, glaring at the floor a bit at the impossible choice they were giving me.

"Say, you promise!" I turned my glare at Ashtray, wiping my eyes.

"Fine." Making the disagreement clear. His scowl increasing.

"Say it. Say, you promise!" I looked away, turning my glare at the wall on the other side of the room.

"I promise.." I grumbled, clearly not wanting to.

"We know yous care, kid and we love yous, too. But neither of us could take somethin' bad happenin' to you." I diverted my eyes sadly.

"How do you think I feel? You two are all I have. How's it fair to make me just move on if something bad were to happen to you guys?" I tried looking away more, wiping my eyes with my sleeve.

"Well then.. I guess we can't let nothin' bad happen." I looked at Fezco, eyes flickering to Ash as he stared back mindfully. I nodded in agreement to the other two, a knock sounding on the door. They looked at each other, me instantly going on edge. Ash went down stairs, soon the door buzzed and opened shortly after.

"Wassup?" Rue. She's high, soooo frickin' high.

"Sup?" Fez looked back at her. Soon turning back around as she slumped on the couch beside me. She smiled at me, Fez lighting up a cigarette.

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