Happy Birthday

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      Cassie came back into the dining room with a cake, a bunch of candles lined in two rows. Suze shut off the lights, letting the lights lead Cassie back to the table, setting down in front of Maddy.

"I fuckin love that picture." I laughed, looking at the picture on the cake. We sang happy birthday, giving Maddy time to think of a wish and blow out the candles.

"Come on blow out the candles birthday girl." Suze nudged Maddy playfully, as Maddy leaned forward and finally blew them out.

"Whatcha wish for?" I looked at Kat, turning back to Maddy as she smirked.

"It won't come true if I say it."

"Who wants cake?" We raised our hand eagerly at Suze, as she went off to the side to cut it.

"Alright guys, present time." I look my cake from Suze, the others doing the same as Suze passed the gifts down from the other end of the table.

"Oh my god I can't even right now!" Maddy smiled, hands over her mouth at the gift BB had given her. BB laughed, proud of the gift as she held up the last box, this one being from Cassie. Cassie smiled a bit, looking at Maddy, as Maddy took the box from Suze.

"I can't." Maddy started getting teary eye, pulling a book from the box, tossing that to the side as she started flipping through the book. I peered over the table, seeing the book was filled with pictures of the two of them. It was a scrapbook, and Maddy loved it, enough to make her cry. Suze made a sound of sentiment as Maddy stood up from the chair.

"Give me a hug bitch." Cassie smiled at Maddy, standing up as well as they embraced tightly. I felt my eyes narrow a bit, confused why Cassie looked so sad in the reflection of the door behind, Lexi noticing the same as she looked back at me.

"I'll be back." We looked at each other for a another moment, as Cassie made her way out of the room before soon going back to eating our cake. Maybe she is seeing someone.

"Alright finish up with the cake girls, then it's picture time!" Lexi got up, grabbing her plate and other empty one from the table. I stood up, piling some other trash on top on mine and made my way to the kitchen after her.

"Oh, Leslie you don't have to help." I scoffed at her, tossing the trash in the bin.

"Oh please." She laughs as I look out the window. My face faltering a quick moment.

"Your sisters drinking." Lexi looks out the window, Cassie making her way back to the house with a can in hand.

"I can't with her." She sighs as I pat her shoulder. Suze comes in the room, throwing out some trash from the other room.

"Girls go, it's time for pictures." She smiles at us, shoving us along to the stair case. I walked to the top of the stairs beside Lexi, BB leaning against my legs as Kat did the same to Lex, Maddy in front of Kat and Cassie in front of BB.

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