New Roommate

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" Time to get the fuck up!" I groaned at the banging on the door, throwing a pillow over my head to try and ignore it. Having been up all night the night before, texting the others. Nate was released from the hospital a few days ago. Everyone blowing up my phone because of Fez beating Nate. Some were pissed, some questioned me about it.. Maddy.. Maddy was pissed. She tried not to be at me, but couldn't help but let it slip every so often. I told them all I had no clue why, even Rue, though I'm sure she knew why already. No way was I admitting to shit though, especially over text.

"I said get the fuck up." I whined, but it was muffled as I pulled the pillow more onto my face, ignoring who I'm sure was Ash.

"Fine." I screeched out in surprised, falling to the floor as he pulled the blanket off of me. I glared up to him, rubbing one of my eyes as he grinned back mockingly.

"Oh good, your up." I made a face at him, standing up as he made his way out of the room.

"Yeah hello to you too sunshine." He slammed the door behind him, making sure I heard him as he made his way down stairs.

"Such a dickhead." I sighed grabbing some clothes and changed quickly. I grabbed my stuff, making my way down stairs, Fez and Ash sitting on the couch.

"You done already kid?" Fez asks, looking up from his phone, causing Ash to do the same. I nodded, them getting up and making their way to the car.

"You comin to the store later? Or stayin with some friends after school?" I shrugged, looking at the school in annoyance.

"Probably just head to the store after." I got out of the car, looking back at them.

"Aight, see ya kid." I smiled and waved at him.

"Later, Fez." I smiled starting to walk away, waving behind me.

"Later, sunshine." I heard the sound of a window being rolled up, laughing as I knew he couldn't yell at me without drawing attention to himself.

     School's fuckin weird so far today. Everyone's on edge, and every one has something going on. Even Lexi seems off. Cassie's been acting super fucking paranoid, quiet. Kat's been quiet too, Lexi's been fuckin quiet! Maddy's actually been fine, which actually almost scared me. At least Rue and Jules are talking again though I guess.

     I hummed to myself, stopping in my tracts as I backed up. Hearing an all to familiar voice from from the bathroom. I bobbed my head, debating before shrugging and made my way in. Maddy and BB in the bathroom. I raised a brow, Maddy holding her stomach in front of the mirror.

"I feel like I would look so sexy pregnant."

"Maddy, please do not get pregnant." I smiled at Kat's comment, making my way further into the bathroom as Kat walks out of a stall.

"I wouldn't wear any of those nasty maternity clothes. I would just be me.. plus pregnant." I get behind them now, BB smiles at me quickly as Maddy turns around.

"Ooh, now it's a party." I smiled rolling my eyes playfully.

"Remember when I got pregnant?" I looked at BB surprised, learning new information.

"Yes, and it would be nothing like that." I raised my brow at the comments, choosing not to get involved in that.

"Well, speakin of baby daddies, I've seen the photo Ethan posted of you two. It's cute as fuck." I smiled at Kat, bringing up my phone to go see the couples newest photo.

"Yeah Kat, stop flaunting your healthy, non-abusive, wonderful relationship. It's actually triggering." I looked at Maddy sadly for a second, feeling bad about Nate being such a prick.. to her and just in general.

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