Ryan's Pov

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Ry Pov
Today I'm in New Mexico. August has other things to do so he left. He has a performance tonight too actually. Ava is here with me though, as always. I've been noticing I'm starting to show and I'm running out of lies to tell about my sudden weight gain and sickness. The main reason why I'm keeping it a secret is because I'm ashamed... Not of the baby but at myself. Ava's not even 1 yet and I'm pregnant again! This all is just bad. I know for a fact August's will leave........ And I don't think I want that....

I was in my hotel room napping with Ava. My eyes ran across my stomach. Little bump. I rubbed my hands across it. My sudden movement woke my baby.

Me-*Baby Talk* Hey mama. *Smiles*

Ava- *Smiles*

She's the only baby I know that smiles after they were woken up.

I cuddled with my Ava for awhile. I was talking to her about everything...

Me- Ava.... I feel like I haven't seen you grow.... I probably won't considering the fact I have four kids and 1 on the way... You here that baby? *Baby Talks* You're going to be a big sister.

Ava smiled up at me again like she understood.. But she doesn't. I grabbed her hand and played with her tiny fingers. I clutched her hand like it was the most precious thing in the world, and it is to me! I laid it flat on my belly.

Me- There's a baby sibling in mama belly. *Smiles*

Ava poked my stomach.

Me- *Baby Talks* Mama scared to tell dad dad.... Dad dad mad.

Ava frowned.

Around 6, we left the hotel for my show. I got glamorous and made my way to the stage. I song "Ava Maria" which ended with me crying my heart out. I want my baby.. I do... But I'm just not fit to be a mother. Not now.

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