Chapter 54

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Evan's POV

"Are you sure this is a great idea?" He asked for the fifth time. Looking back at his secretary with uncertainty in his eyes.

Brian simply patted his back and nudged him forward in encouragement. A too-wide grin plastered on his face.

"Don't be a pussy and just go inside. We're just here to check up on them and eat, then, we'll leave right after."

He looked back at the cafe a few steps away from where they're standing and the unsettling feeling inside his chest never fade. When he made no move to detach himself to their car Brian grabbed his wrist and starts pulling him towards the direction of the cafe. Panic immediately consumes him and he instinctively struggle on the other's grasp.

"Wait, wait, wait- give me a few minutes! I'm not yet ready!" He whisper-yelled as his free hand went to grab on the vehicle.

"You'll never be ready if I don't give you a push! Well, in this case a pull but, the point still stands! Let's. Just. Go!" Brian grunted. Now pulling him with both hands. He profusely shakes his head.

"Come on, dude. We've been going back and forth with this plan for two weeks now. It's time to put it into action." His secretary whined. Finally giving up on pulling him but not yet willing to let go of his wrist. Just ending up giving him short tugs.

Of course, Evan knew that. He knew that what they're about to do is for the better. Not just for him but also for the both of them. After all, the first step is to have closure.

"You look so pitiful right now."

Both of them looked back to the only person left inside the car.

"Shut up. Nobody asked for your opinion." He can't help but retort with eyes glaring at his cousin, who's leaning out of the car window with an arm hanging outside and staring at him in boredom.

"And nobody also asked for you to be such a pussy yet here we are."

He heard Brian let out a snort behind him but immediately went quiet when he directed his glares at him.

"Why did you come anyway?" He asked, curiosity getting the better of him. Of course, not because he wants to divert the topic. Nope.

His cousin simply shrugged and looked away.

"I'm bored." He replied, pulling out his phone to do who-knows-what.

Evan can't help but roll his eyes and let out a sigh. It's not like the younger is wrong. Yes, he's being a coward but, he couldn't help it. He's just not yet ready to meet him.

He doesn't know if he'll ever be.

He shakes his head and immediately dispels the thought. Of course, he'll be ready to meet him. What is his brain talking about! He's Evan Fong for fuck's sake!

He stood up straight and faced the other man.

"You're right." He said out loud, a spark of determination flaming in his body.

"That you're a pussy?"

"Ye- No! I'm not talking to you!" He gave a quick glare behind him before looking back on their other companion. One look on the man and he can already tell that Brian have already caught what he's feeling when their eyes met. He received a quick nod before he saw his friend open his mouth.

"Ok. Let's do a quick run over with our plan. When we enter, what are we first gonna do?"

"We'll greet whoever's employee is available /hopefully, Brock/ and find us an available seat." He answered like how they practiced.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 08, 2023 ⏰

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