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why is humping so hot?

i don't know but i most definitely love it.

i can't help the flirty smile on my face as i pretend to be fucking jaylin, she stood behind me clearly giving herself by the way she stood and she would occasionally slap my ass as she bit her lip.

her eyes are permanently stuck on my ass making me arch my back, my hands going down the counter i was leaning on. i pick up my recording phone and end the video.

only to take another without our faces.

"sheesh" she mumbles to herself as she grasps a hand full of my ass under my skirt making me giggle. 

she makes me fell hot.

when humping turned into grinding we put a stop to it. well.. the delivery guy put a stop to it when our food arrived.

"you're good?" jaylin asks as she takes out food to hand me mine, i nod giving her a small smile before we both silently sit there eating our food.

 my eyes linger on jaylin's face as i watch her eat while typing on her phone, i can't help myself as i look at her sitting in a menspread with grey sweatpants on.

my eyes move from her face to her lap constantly making me huff, she turns her head to me with a questionable look.

"what's wrong?"

"nothing really" i tell her moving closer, she wraps her arm around my shoulder as she goes back to texting .

"can you come to wedding with me? my cousin is getting married next month and i need a plus one" she tells me.

"sure, i'd love to but wouldn't that attract attention to me instead" i ask her trying not to sound mean.

"there are no kids allowed, just adults" i nod with a smile.

"then, of course. i'd love to"

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