[16] - All for a backpack

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Felix ran towards the guard and kicked him in the stomach, making him fall backwards and land on his butt. He tilted his head to the side slightly and looked at the groaning guard.

I was still aiming the gun at the guard's head. Saying I wasn't tempted to pull the trigger would be a lie, but it would give off too much noise. We didn't want the attention. Besides I wanted to keep the porridge inside of me. That wasn't very easy last time I killed someone.

The man stood up and he looked furious now. He marched towards me but Felix came in between and launched another kick to his head.

Once again showing of his taekwondo skills, this dude sure was great. It shouldn't be this easy to take out those guards, but Felix made it look like a child's play. He was seriously playing with the man, I knew he wasn't giving it his full effort.

The guard stood up again and now turned towards Felix with a death glare. He had a cut that was bleeding on his eyebrow where Felix's feet had hit him. "You" he said.

Felix looked back at him intensely. The guard went to attack again, this time on Felix, but Felix blocked the punches and threw one himself that hit the guard on the cheek.

I felt like I was watching an action movie. The man stumbled to the side and opened his mouth from the pain.

He looked back at Felix and spitted out blood from his mouth before trying again. He threw himself towards Felix but dropped to the floor, unconscious, in the middle of the attack.

Next to him stood Changbin with clenched fists.

We all stared at him.

He looked like he was felling attacked by our looks. "I was getting tired of watching" he said as to defend himself.

"Is he... dead?" I asked and looked back at the guard. I was still pointing the gun at him, in case he would just stand up and continue the fight.

"He shouldn't be" Felix said with a shrug. He looked up and his eyes met mine. The way he was looking at me was weird, he didn't seem to be judging me at all, there was something different in his eyes.

Then suddenly I remembered I was still standing with the gun pointing at the unconscious guard. I quickly hid it and looked down to the ground. Felix was still watching me though.

"Shouldn't be?" Hyunjin exclaimed.

"So shall we leave?" Minho asked and stepped outside the cell along with Hyunjin.

"I just need to find my backpack" I said.

Felix just looked at me but his face definitely wasn't the same now. Now he looked at me as if I was stupid again. "You're seriously going to find your backpack?" He asked with big eyes.

"I just have this feeling it'll help us in the future" I said, determined to get my backpack back.

"That's ridiculous, we can't risk our lives for a stupid backpack" he snapped.

"Then you go ahead, I'm not leaving before I have my backpack" I said and turned my back towards him to leave.

I heard how he sighed before following me.

"Leave, go save yourself, just like last time when you left me to clear the level on my own" I said with irritation. The others came as well.

"I'm not leaving you to die, you need someone who can fight if you want to stay alive" he said, trying to come with an excuse as he was talking that wouldn't make him sound like he actually cared, but more like he was forced to come. I heard in his voice he didn't actually mean that, he just had too big of an ego to admit he cared.

The Arcade || Lee Felix (rewritten version)Where stories live. Discover now