[22] - Dying again and again, let's make some noice

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- Little over three months earlier -


"Yah Chan, move away from me" Felix groaned when he felt something heavy on his stomach.

He opened his eyes and saw Chan's head laying on him.

Chan also groaned as he woke up from the slumber.

"What happened last night, why are we sleeping here together" he asked and sat up, allowing Felix to sit up too.

They looked around, and then at the same time they realized where they were, or more like where they weren't, because they weren't at home. They looked at each other with big eyes.

"Why are we in an elevator?" Felix asked the older with sudden panic.

"Don't know, this is weird" Chan said and rose from the ground.

Then the doors opened up, letting them out. They looked outside and saw purple fields as far as they could see.

"This place is weird" Felix said.

Chan just nodded as he took a step outside.

"Yah Felix you should see this" he said.

Felix followed him outside. The field really was endless. He turned around to see what Chan was looking at.

In the midst of it all was a cylinder shaped building of concrete. "Well that looks out of place" Felix commented. "This elevator too though" he added when he realized they'd just stepped out of an elevator that was just standing there with no purpose.

"Weren't we in an arcade yesterday? In Seoul?" Felix asked.

Chan nodded.

"When did we leave that place?" He proceeded to ask.

"I can't recall we ever did leave the Arcade" Chan said and looked out over the feilds with worry in his eyes.

"Were we drugged or something? I don't understand how we could end up in the middle of nowhere, we can't have walked all the way here right?" Felix talked to the older boy.

"No we're not even close to any civilization, we can't have walked out of Seoul and this far away from it in one night" Chan said. "But let's go see whats inside that building" he said and pointed at the cylinder thing.

"Mm" Felix said, but he'd stepped into the elevator again to examine it a bit closer. He pressed the button for the first floor, not expecting anything to happen, he turned to look at the other wall but suddenly the door closed shut.

No light could enter, it was completely dark.

"Yah Chan!" He cried for his friend who turned around to see where Felix were. The doors to the elevator were closed and Felix was nowhere to be seen. His voice had come from the elevator though.

For Felix the elevator begun shaking, but for Chan that second the doors opened up and the elevator was completely empty.

"Felix!" He cried in despair as he looked around and ran to the elevator to find his friend. He looked behind it but Felix was nowhere to be seen.

He entered the elevator too and looked around. An urge told him to press the button for the first floor, the only one he could press, so he did, and a second later the doors of the elevator closed once again.

Chan stepped out to a square and looked around. Then a speaker voice started talking. "Level one, district 9. The first level of the first chapter of your journey, I am: NOT" it spoke.

The Arcade || Lee Felix (rewritten version)Where stories live. Discover now