Before you read

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Okay so this ~ mAsTeRpIeCe ~ is the rewritten version of the arcade. You don't have to read the original before you read this, actually I would recommend you not to. If you already have read the original, I guess you're already a lost case...

No but I just rewrote the whole shit because I wanted to, it's not a sequel or something like that because I don't like sequels, unless they were already planned when the fist one was made, then it's good, but let's not get sidetracked. Not that I really had anything to say, I just wanted to say it's not a sequel because some people have gotten confused the first chapter. And if you don't know what tf I'm talking about, hello, welcome, I'm dear mr Amazon lady and this is the arcade. The better version. You can ignore everything else that I've said and you're free to read, whenever you're ready.

The first version will still be up though, I won't delete it, so you can read that one too if you didn't get enough after this one, but I think this one is better - obviously... and I repeat again, the two works are basically the same story, this one is just a bit improved, so if you didn't read the original, don't bother to do so before you read this one, just read this one instead...

The Arcade || Lee Felix (rewritten version)Where stories live. Discover now