[29] - We really do jump to our deaths

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The whole group was silent after the incident. My eyes were still red and puffy but I wasn't crying anymore.

After having ran for my life, my ankle hurt again so Felix was holding me up with an arm around my waist so I wouldn't put too much pressure on it.

He seemed to have realized I lied earlier when I said it was fine, it clearly wasn't.

We were walking trough the tunnel, making sure to pay attention to the ground. I didn't understand how it could possibly fall further down, we were already in an underground tunnel.

Nothing happened though. At last we reached an elevator, but I was quite certain this wasn't our elevator.

The display showing which floor the elevator was on wasn't showing which floor the elevator was on, quite ironic, instead it showed a pyramid made from red lines.

"Again with the pyramids" I said out loud as I inspected it.

"Should we enter it?" Felix asked.

I didn't know if we should or not. If we continued we'd come out of the tunnel and back up to the surface, which more or less meant we'd gotten nowhere. If we took the elevator nobody knew where we'd end up, but at least we probably would have gotten somewhere. I also didn't understand the pyramids. It felt like we were supposed to follow the pyramids, but at the same time if felt like we shouldn't.

"We could at least check it" Chan said and pressed the button for the e elevator to come to our floor.

Nothing happened.

"Maybe we shouldn't" Changbin said and looked a bit anxious. I still wondered what he'd seen in that pyramid.

"I think we're supposed to follow the pyramids" Chan said. "I read this book once, called the alchemist, and in the book the protagonist follows the Levanter, a strong easterly wind in the Mediterranean region, to reach a pyramid, under which a great treasure is supposed to be hidden" he explained.

"The name of the level is Levanter after all, and this wind seems to have been following us" I said with a shrug.

"More like showed us the way then, I suppose" Felix said.

"Right, it's just, I can't seem to remember the ending of this book" Chan said with a frown as if he was thinking hard about it.

"Well, the elevator isn't opening, so sorry, no can do" Changbin said.

Chan didn't give up that easily. He tried bending up the doors by pushing them out, and he managed to create an opening.

The elevator was old and not used for a long time. There were dead leaves on the floor that I really don't understand where they could possibly had come from, the ceiling light was hanging down in a wire and the whole thing seemed to be shut off. The only thing that was on was the light in the ceiling, despite hanging down with a few cut off wires hanging down next to it.

"This is the creepiest elevator I've ever seen" Jisung stated.

"Same" I agreed.

"You can't seriously tell me we're going to test if it works with ourselves as test subjects" Seungmin spoke.

"Seems we are" I said and entered the elevator.

The rest entered too, but some of them weren't very happy about it. Nobody was happy to enter this elevator, but some seemed more scared than others.

Looking down at the leaf covered floor something white caught my attention. I picked it up and saw it was a ticket. On it was written 'to new world - one way ticket'. Unsure of what it could be I put it in my backpack. Maybe it could be of help later.

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