[31] - We go shopping/stealing

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We were back to walking trough the city, but the short rest had been good for both me and Felix who were injured.

We were walking for what felt like forever, no wind was pushing us in any direction anymore, and the night seemed to never be over.

We knew we were supposed to go back, but without the wind we didn't know what way was back.

The moons stood as high in the sky as before and the sky was as dark as when we got here.

"Maybe we should take a rest soon" Changbin suggested when we were all tired and hungry again.

"A rest would be nice" I said. "Maybe a pharmacy too" I added.

"There's a mall, maybe they have a pharmacy" Seungmin said and pointed at a big building in front of us.

"Good idea, let's go" Jisung said and we started walking to the entrance of the mall.

After having entered and looked around we found the mall was abandoned but the stores hadn't moved out yet. This whole city looks like a city where the humans had just suddenly vanished and left everything the way it was. As if they'd either evacuated it, or the whole population had just suddenly disappeared at once. It was kinda creeping me out.

We found a pharmacy at least. Me and Seungmin had been scouting pharmacies while the others went to find a place to camp. They had bandage for my ankle, and band-aids for all my blisters and Felix's cuts and shit he got when jumping to save me.

"So what band-aids should we pick?" Seungmin asked and held up two different packages with band-aids in them. One had different cute animals on them and the others had my little pony.

"Cute, but we aren't 5" I said and looked at him with disbelief.

"Oh come on, everyone likes cute animals, look there are pigs" he said and held up the ones with the animals to his face and pouted. "Oink oink" he let out.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Okay fine" I said and went looking for cotton pads and disinfectant.

"Bandage, band-aids, cotton pads, disinfectant, painkillers and ointment, anything else we need?" I asked looking at what we had so far.

"Don't think so" Seungmin said.

"Great, then let's go find the others" I said and we were off.

"Let me help you" Seungmin said and came to my side to help me keep steady as I was walking. My ankle was still hurting and I needed to rest it now.

"I'm fine" I said but Seungmin didn't let me go for that.

"I suppose you hit your head when you fell from the rooftop" he said, the next second he forgot about me because he let me go and ran to a poster on the wall.

I stumbled forward, not prepared to be left like that.

"Look it's day6!" He shrieked in happiness.

I went towards him and saw the members of the group on the poster.

"It's only a poster though, do you freak out every time you see a picture of them?" I asked, not understanding how a poster could make him like that.

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