Chapter 14: The Real Secret

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I couldn't believe it. I thanked God that Jimin was okay but then he wasn't okay at all. When I scrambled up into the apartment and found him rocking back and forth I was happy but scared. Something did happen but not what I expected at all.


I saw the reason why I couldn't reach him. His phone was lying on the floor in pieces. The back was open and the battery was out. One mystery solved but now for the other. What was making him like this in the first place and then I saw it. The drawing I did of him that night I had the dream of him and us. When I did it I never thought to show it to him. I knew how touchy he was concerning his mother and sister that I didn't want to upset him. Even when I had watched the documentary his dad did about his mother, I never told Jimin that I watched it. When he first told me about it, I had only watched certain parts. And thinking about it, I only watched the entire film after I met his dad and brother and that was a few weeks after my dream. Plus it was in black and white. There was no colour in it at all.


Then it really hit me! SHIT! Jimin changed himself so he wouldn't look like his mother. That was his secret and I had dreamt Jimin exactly like that. I must admit it did look suspicious almost as though I was secretly looking into his past but I wasn't. We were in our storage room having our first heated discussion as a couple. His secret was out and now to deal with the aftereffects of the explosion.


"Jimin I really didn't know how you looked before. I never saw any pictures of you. I can't explain how I did that."


"So how do you explain the images of my mother or my sister? You have never seen them before."


I confessed, "I watched the memorial documentary your dad did for your mom."


"YOU DID WHAT? You watched that and didn't tell me?"


"Yes and I'm sorry. I wanted to see who you were from your family's eyes and what you had gone through back then. Whenever I tried talking to you about her, you kept brushing it off so I told myself to leave it be and I never pursued it again. I didn't even look up her other movies."


Then Jimin pointed out, "But the documentary, the entire film was in black and white. How could you know the colour of her eyes? The colour of mine?"


I couldn't answer but that, "Maybe the universe was trying to tell me..."


But Jimin laughed though not a happy one, "HA! The universe told you and gave you exact details that my sister had brown eyes and my eyes were blue as my mother's. That's so unbelievable, Jungkook. Tell me, who are you working for? The FBI? The CIA? Or maybe 'The Times' or maybe 'People' magazine?"


"What? What are you talking about?"


"Come on Jungkook that kind of information must have been given to you. You obviously went searching up information on me and my family. Was it a crazed fan? Is it for a news article? Are you going to get some big fat bonus if you solve the mysteries of the suicide actress and the mess she left behind?"


I was still confused, "What..."


"WERE YOU HIRED TO SEEK ME OUT? You told me that you knew me from before I met you. You applied to my university, you sort me out and you made sure we connected. You were the 'seeker' and you 'conquered' me. Was that your plan all along? Are they paying you to do this so you could ruin my family and ruin me? Is it like the movie 'Mr. Deeds' and you're Winona Ryder trying to get dirt on me?"

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