Chapter 25: Bittersweet Moments: Part2

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Hannah sent me the video that Jimin had given her and I cried tears of joy seeing my baby smiling and laughing. Jimin looked smaller. His weight just fluctuating. I was worried but when I saw he grew out his hair even more I couldn't help but blush. He looked breath-taking. They had all met in Al's motel room. I kissed and caressed my phone screen wishing I was there next to him. Lucky Al. He was harassing Hannah with his kisses and affections and I remembered our little stunt in the rental car in Italy. I guess it was Al's turn to have some fun now. Good for them. Jimin smiled and went into the tiny kitchen area and he began to tell me how much he missed me.


"Hey baby. I miss you so much. I was able to come out as the roads have completely been cleaned. The reception still hasn't come back on so hopefully when Hannah goes back to Florida she will be able to send this video to you. I've been staying with Al for a few days. The Johnsons' although they are nice are a bit demanding. It's kinda hard to live with people telling me what to do when I wasn't brought up like that at all. I could see why James left here. But I'm learning more about him through his family. James was going to do the surgery to make himself a woman. He loved Travis and they were going to start a family together. His parents didn't want him to change. They thought it was too expensive and they preferred him as a male. Sigh! The things we go through, just to live. I'm sad about what happened to him but I know things happen for a reason."


Then I heard and saw Al as he came in view of the camera, "Yes, we know that Jimin but I'm not letting you get involved in any case that involves murder. We should get the information we need and get out of here. Just let the parents know that you will be including the facts about their son in the documentary in a tasteful manner. Jungkook, I know you would agree with me so I am keeping a very close eye on this and on Master Jimin."


"I love you Albert!" I couldn't help but shout out at the screen. I thanked God he was there to help guide and protect Jimin. Now more than ever I wanted to go to him. I wanted to tell Jimin that I was coming to see him but again our communication lines were disrupted. For that entire week I felt so excited but also trusfrated... I mean frustrated. Oye! On one hand I knew I was going to see my Jiminnie but on the other I couldn't get to tell him. I was so ready to just get my lover back into my arms and back to us being together but then things turned for the worse. Universe! Stop playing with my heart!


My trip to meet Jimin would have to wait a little while longer. The day before we were to fly out, my mom suffered a heart attack. Suki called me as soon as she heard. I literally dropped everything, took Bam to the doggie sitter and rushed to the hospital.


I always loved the story of Job from the bible. Job, a faithful servant of God, was living so happily but then he suddenly lost everything: his family, homes and livestock. His wife told him to curse God and die. But the faithful servant's faith made God bless him even more after the atrocities. Job's response to his wife was that if we take God's happiness shouldn't we also take his sorrow. I could empathise with him: I was truly and finally happy but I also had to take my sorrow.




I literally felt like a zombie again as I saw my body running into the hospital from the carpark. Some lady at the information desk was trying to calm me down. She was sweet but all I heard was the ward and room number my mother was at. I think she told me to be careful but I literally ran up the three flights of stairs. Ha! I made those in a blink of an eye. I did worse before because I remembered when Jimin had left to go to Florida and I ran down those 15 flights of stairs at the apartment. I recalled thinking that the elevator would take too long because I couldn't stand still and wait. Those same thoughts flood right back into my mind. So in no time at all I was at Ward 3 and I ran into Room 58. There I saw my mother, sitting up and chatting away with some people whom after I found out had apparently helped her when the attack had first happened.

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