Extra // The Epilogue

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May 2nd, 1998

It's over.
It's finally over.

Voldemort is gone for good and I've never felt anything so surreal in my entire life. Many of my friends and I fought in the battle, and the most astonishing thing happened.
We won.

I'm so unbelievably happy about it all - about everything.
Ron and Hermione finally came to their senses and got together, even if their timing was a little off.

Despite this though, and my loosing bet to George saying that it was going to take them another few months, Harry and Neville where the ones to steal the spotlight.

I wonder if you can get out of flying tickets because you defeated Voldemort.
Is there a medal of some sort?
I haven't heard anything of the sort.
But I digress.

Ginny is still the firey redhead she always was, but she's all grown up now.
And ever more badass then I ever thought possible.

Bill finally married Fleur and they are planning on having their first child together soon.
Though, Percy and I aren't quite there yet.
We slow danced for almost the entire night of their wedding.
We got interuppted - but still.

Charlie is still traveling the world, but came just in time to help us become victorious.
He and Bill are like the older brothers I'd always wanted, and now finally had.

Molly and Arthur are still the cutest couple out of everyone though, only they would be able to have gone through so much and still be the kindest people by the end of it.
They both kicked ass during the battle.

And a little luck struck my way as well. Voldemort didn't target me as much as he did everyone else, which I consider a plus in the way that my Dad hadn't been directly effected.
He's still my everything, and always will be. He's pretty badass to.

The Twins are both safe and sound. Stubborn assholes those two are, even in battle.
Neither of them would have let the other die. Although, Fred did had a near death experience that might as well have killed him if it weren't for me.
He was saved by a protection spell I had cast just in time. He still owes me for that.

Aria, Callum, Lee and Oliver all came in to join in on the fight, ditching their jobs to save the world with their friends.
I don't know what else to say other than they mean so damn much to me.
Every single one of those bitches.
I love them all so much.

And speaking of love - Percy.

My soon to be husband if you can believe it.

He proposed to me just before the battle, saying that he needed to somehow motivate me to stay alive, as him just being there wasn't enough for me.

He's managed to embrace his goofy side a little over the years, but I could tell it wasn't just for that reason.
I said yes, of course, and I guess it all worked out.

We're getting married next week after the Burrow is being rebuilt, in the same garden we danced in so many years ago.
It's going to be perfect.

Okay wow, if I'm going to keep writing then their won't be any non-tear-stained words to read left.
I just felt I'd give myself a conclusion.
After all, all our lives haven't exactly been the most normal these past few years.

But I wouldn't change it for anything.
Not now, and not for the world.

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