Chapter 44.2

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Ch'en is with Texas, Exusiai, Firewatch, and Meteorite as they work on sets of wired devices.

(Y/N) approaches them in their working area that is littered with bubble wrap and wires, among many things. "Ch'en, may I borrow you for a moment?"

She shakes her hands before carefully walking over lumps of wires.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Have you been told, of, how do we tell them we've settled down here? Rhodes Island, I mean."

"We don't." she casually answered.

"We don't?"

"We're not expected to fail while only being on the way here. They know it already."

"Oh, okay, you can continue your work now."

She nods. "We will be done by afternoon."

They parted ways.

(Y/N) turns to face the massive closed doors and gazed all over the interior, as if scanning the surroundings.

Greythroat is walking along the far edges of the building, checking for any hidden threats.

Franka and the Blacksteel girls have taken over some of the tasks of moving and carrying foldable tables and chairs, guided by Mostima to a vacant space on the corner all the way at the back.

Not far behind them are Silesia, Satell, and Cyclone, who are carrying their foldable beds.

"They really packed lots of stuff in those boxes..." he whispered.

"HEY!!—" Onyx calls out to them, running after the three.

Cyclone talks to her, saying something that made the vouivre scratch her head, before he went back to do the task at hand.

Onyx walks back to Blaze and Matterhorn, who were staring at her. Her eyes saw (Y/N) and she smiles while waving her hand once.

(Y/N) nods at her, before looking around again.

After a minute, he goes for a walk around the interior.

Being a storage facility, the place had decent ventilation systems. Still, it would be better if they have more means of getting cool air.

"A large ceiling fan would be nice." (Y/N) thought as he wanders the interior.

At the corner of his eye, he can see Greythroat.

He looks at the liberi that is so invested on checking every nook and cranny.

"I think you've done enough checking."

Her sharp eyes meet his, "Just double-checking."

"Yeah but this is your second loop already."

Her first response was her eyes blinking, then she talks. "Do you have a job for me?"

"Uh, no?"

"Then, what are you doing here?"

"What are YOU doing here?"

"You're not checking for traps. Just checking the state of the building."

"You are— absolutely correct." (Y/N) quickly loses energy to be hyped halfway through the talk and tiredness takes over his tone. "I've noticed you, you're still having distance between yourself and others. You will be working with them for a long time."

Greythroat frowns at him. "I'm doing my what I'm supposed to do as part of this.."

"Specialized strike group. Maybe take out the specialized."

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