Chapter 86.3

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The defender brandishes his shield. Matterhorn tilts his to collide with its surface, yet the larger shield still pushed his arm aside.

He strikes the enemy's hip with his sword, with his blade making its way past a very thin gap in the armor, slicing the defender's thigh, though nothing severe was done.

Silesia sidesteps to the other side behind Matterhorn and hammers the giant shield. His second hammer goes down on the enemy's shield arm.

"GO ON— KEEP HITTING HIM!" the kuranta yells at the forte while the two of them are literally beside each other.

The defender moves his shield arm, raises it and pushes back the hammerheads. He drags his shield across his front, first tripping Silesia on the step behind him, and then pushes Matterhorn to the wall.

Silesia swings again, pounding the hulk's leg.

"You're not doing anything with that!"— the defender groaned, moving his shield up above the kuranta.

A soldier slips in behind the defender, striking Matterhorn though he parried him. Right behind him was a second soldier, going for the forte as well.

Cyclone steps down and stabs the first soldier's nape with his knife, before kicking him towards the second.

"Come on, help me out!" Morifolium urges.

Texas frees her hands of her sword and assists him. With Vanilla at the lead carrying Liskarm on her back, Texas and Morifolium followed, taking Onyx.

Silesia crawls backwards, climbing the steps while the menace before him stood tall, taking his time.

"You did cost hundreds of us..." the muffled voice inside the dark helmet spoke. "Luckily, I haven't lost any friends to your rampage, yet."—

"Oh so we're dying here?" Silesia asks with a curious tone.

"How else would you get out?"

The defender pauses and shoots a glance at Cyclone, staring back at him while Matterhorn is dealing with the other infantry.

"We have a caster."

He looks up. Just behind Silesia, Mostima stood in complete silence.

The defender chuckles mockingly. "Yeah right... but this girl must have drained herself by now, she's not moving at all, like a bystander."

Cyclone charges the defender, extending his arm to stab into the slits on the metal.

The defender faces him with his shield, and the tip of the perro's sword hits it instead. He pushes Cyclone away, the latter almost falling off balance at the next step.

In an instant, Silesia's hammer goes down on the defender's helmet, pounding and denting the top.

He steps aside while the defender fell on his back.

"That should have cracked his head..." Mostima comments.

Silesia sighs, rolling his shoulders. "Well if he fell down uncontrollably like that..."

Cyclone turns, glaring at the fallen angel. "Are you in charge now?"

The lighter infantry retreated from the stairs, disregarding formations.

Matterhorn chases them, and as he got down, slams his shield into another defender, who came from the side. More of them are closing in.

The forte returns to the first step of the staircase, and puts his weight down close to his ground as the new enemy charged at him.

"Are you in charge?!" Cyclone raised his voice.

"Hey, don't pressure." Silesia whispered with emphasis.

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