Chapter 58

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(A/N: Sheesh a very late update this time.. sorry for the delay, had to deal with some real life matters...... anyways..)

— "Tower Alpha" Control Room, 12:26 PM —

The corpses have been gathered in one spot, lessening the anxiety (Y/N) feels about stepping on them as he moves around.

Morifolium is sitting on a blood-soaked chair, his fingers typing on one of the many keyboards in the room.

Ch'en is standing not far from the liberi, her eyes studying the characters written all over the board.

The atmosphere around them has gotten quiet and serious for a while now. A peaceful environment for (Y/N), but the faint and distant voices from below are a cause for worries.

A second door is at the left side of the room, from the first door that connects the room to the office floors. It can be hard to spot, as it is painted just the same as the dark walls around it, not even a white outline to show its shape. But the problem of it being hard to find is past (Y/N)'s problems now.

Meteorite and Suffering are out on the rooftop which the second door is leading to, and from there are firing down on the mobs filling up the street.

"Good thing they left these devices here." (Y/N) comments on a few external hard drives piled beside Morifolium's typing hands.

"For sure they are not meant for us." said the liberi as he worked on the computer.

Displayed on the monitor is nothing but black screen, with a thousand codes that keep scrolling up.

"Could you get everything?"

Morifolium looks at the Doctor, speaking with an uncertain tone. "Like you said, I would like to, but I'm not at all a tech expert, so I'm just grabbing what I can."

"That's enough." he assures him as the man went back to transferring data. "I wouldn't even expect someone wearing a... kimono, to be meddling with a computer."

"What I'm wearing is basically what you would see if a samurai— you know samurai?"

(Y/N) nods. "Like the soldiers of this city?"

"Not really, the average foot soldiers aren't samurai. Those with the flashy horns on their helmets?"

(Y/N) raises his head. "Oh, yeah, yeah."

"Them. I'm basically them, but without the armor."

"You don't wear armor?"

"Why have the armor outside when you can have it in"— he brags while hitting his stomach with a knife hand, hitting something solid hidden behind the fabric.

"Maybe I should try that out." (Y/N) says to himself.

Ch'en walks out of the second door, going to Meteorite's side and looks over the parapet railing.

The trapezoidal rooftop they're on is surrounded on three sides by tinted glass walls that reflect the skies around. The size of the glass walls also changed, with one glass pane as tall as a two story house.

To the very top of it is where the massive metallic barrel is located, with large coils spiraling throughout its length. The entire barrel, together with the coil, is protected by a rectangular metallic casing, with holes on the side.

Ch'en as usual has a scowl on her face while inspecting the massive armament above them.

"Captain," Meteorite calls while aiming her bowgun down. "Ground floor may not hold on for a longer time."

"We really won't." Ch'en confirms.

Meteorite fires another bolt fixed with a high explosive head. "We're only covering one side of the tower, but from what I'm seeing, they are destroying the glass walls to make more openings."

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