Emma's Pov (32)

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Taylor's "girl at home" played in the background slowly, complementing the cold air sizzling through the window.

It seems it'll rain soon, the weather suddenly began to change as we drove farther on the highway, far away from home. It might rain heavily. It's a sign the summer is almost over and I disliked the cold because it makes me sick.

My legs ache so bad, I wanted so much to keep them on the dashboard but I didn't want to put dirt on Einstein's carefully polished car.

I noticed how he's so thorough with it when he drove me for my remaining papers. He'd make sure the tyres were well pumped and fueled. He took proper care of it, I heard he saved up for this expensive lad, Wow!

I wondered how much he made from those secret tournaments to afford such luxury.

I whimper in pain, needing to stretch my legs in comfort. Even though things seemed to have progressed between us, it didn't clear the air for the unspoken words. A part of me still feels skeptical about all of this.

"You good?" He nods towards me.

I smile immediately, hoping he doesn't ask.

"Is the cold air getting to you, I can raise the glasses" he doesn't wait for my response and presses the button.

I groan in despair.  "I need a break"

"Why?... You hungry? There's snacks in the back of the car or we can stop at a diner for hot chocolates, your call"

"No, I'm not hungry"

"Then what is it?... Oh!_ nature's call? Damnit I should've known you ladies need such short breaks, I'll pull over then" he swerves to a corner on the damn highway.

"What is wrong with you Stein? Why did you stop us on the bridge?!" I yell facing him, appalled by his spontaneity.

Anything can happen at this point in time. Something like a big trailer or a fast car ramming into us and shred us to pieces.

"I thought you needed time to pee or something, we've been driving hours on the road and I know it's exhausting" he confess.

"On a bloody highway?... how?"

He smacks his head in embarrassment. "Shit! I'm sorry I wasn't thinking straight. We should get to a motel or something yeah?" He says this time seeking my opinion.

"I need to stretch my legs a little." I Climb down from the car and walk over to the rails of the bridge and marvel at what's below.

The water isn't so blue as presumed but it moved with the tides far ahead. I couldn't see anything beyond the horizons, just water and the skies bending towards it.

"It's massive isn't it? Somewhat scary even" I ask when he joins me.

"Yeah it is, I heard forlorn lovers meet here to drown themselves, this river has the most record of suicide. As beautiful as it looks it has swallowed many"

"When did you become a historian? And a poetic storyteller?" I ask.

"I'm not just a rebellious teenager as you think. I read books too and besides talking about a general knowledge or love doesn't make one a historian nor a poet, it's stereotype" he walks off, back into the car as if I've offended him.

The heavens open and the sound of rain becomes heavy on the ground.

I run into the car for safety.
"Are you sure we're gonna make it to LA today? The rain seems serious."

"I'll use the GPS to get us to the closest Motel"

Motel!... I wanted to ask if he meant we'd sleep over at a motel because I've never done that in my life.

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