Chapter 3

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Background of a few aspects of the storyline:

Ok... So, the Introductions are over and I hope you liked them so far.

Before I start by explaining a few details about vampires, please consider this as a disclaimer - The entire plot is purely fictional!! So, please don't compare these details with any other stories or with facts. 

A human becomes a vampire when a vampire's venom is injected into his/her body through blood veins. This was normally done by biting on the human's neck. After this procedure, they become immortal.

After turning into Vampire, the Human body retains to the healthy form and their age/facial structure and body structure freezes instantly. They also become stronger in the initial days because there'll still be some percentage of blood in their bodies and the mix of venom and blood makes them stronger. With passing time, the blood changes into venom and the vampire body finds stability in strength after this process. They don't have to eat/sleep like normal humans but these won't cause any damage to them.

Every vampire will have some common powers like speed, heightened smell sense, and strength. Including these, few will also possess special powers. Like, controlling the thirst for blood, enduring the sun's rays, predicting the future, reading minds, Hypnotization, etc.Just like how humans have proper etiquette and way of living, Vampires also do, but it's not the society that decides for them, it's their own self. They decide what they want to do and how they want to live.

Normally, they need to drink blood once a week and they go hunting for wild animals. But if any human's blood is shed before them, it's difficult for them to control unless they have some powers to control or have practiced for years to handle their thirst.

In our story, Suchirit has been practicing medicine for over 1200 years, so... he learned to control his thirst. But when it comes to Kongpob, he takes pills invented by Tew to control himself when he is working in the war zone or blood shredded area. He knows he won't lose control given his experience of years, still, he takes pills to avoid any accidents.

Coming to the end of Immortal life, they can decide when they want to die. Few vampires continue to live for thousands of years and few decide to end when they think the purpose of their life is completed. If a vampire submits to the other vampire to end his life, they can burn the other's body which turns into ashes in seconds. But if not submitted, even fire can't do anything to their body. It's all in his willpower and mind. Though they're 1000 times stronger than human beings but if bent mentally, Vampires turn weaker. Their actual strength lies in their willpower.

Vampires' bodies can't endure the sun rays because for a human being, it's the melanin content in their body that acts as a shield against UV rays and that is very minimal in vampires' bodies. So, the rays that emit while sunrise can cause severe burns in a vampire's body. That won't kill them but lessen their physical strength for weeks. So Vampires avoid going out in day time.

Hope this will avoid any confusion further. Now, Let's go back to the story.

P.S.: I won't be revealing all the powers Kongpob has😝


Few terminologies that I will be using further in the story:

Resident - Doctors complete their MBBS degree and work in a hospital under a Surgeon/Professor/department in which they want to specialize in.

Emergency department: The department of a hospital responsible for the provision of medical and surgical care to patients arriving at the hospital in need of immediate care. Emergency department personnel may also respond to certain situations within the hospital such as cardiac arrests.

Neurologists diagnose, treat, and manage conditions affecting the brain and spinal cord, and disorders of the nerves and muscles that activate movement and transmit sensations from around the body to the brain.

The department of General Medicine deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and non-surgical treatment of various diseases. It serves as the first point of contact whenever a patient visits the hospital.

Emergency medicine is the medical specialty concerned with the care of illnesses or injuries requiring immediate medical attention. Emergency physicians continuously learn to care for unscheduled and undifferentiated patients of all ages.

I will include more terms wherever required. Feel free to ask wherever you didn't understand.

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