Chapter 11

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"Yes, I met him two years back for the first time and if you will not make fun of me, I will share something that I haven't told to Dr. Rojnapath also" This made Arthit perk up his ears and Kongpob also leaned a bit more towards the girl.

"I would love to but I want to know your name first," Kongpob asked and he heard a low chuckle from the girl.

"Millie" The girl turned unconsciously making Kongpob grasp in shock. Millie understood and again turned back to hide her face.

Arthit who was hiding behind the wall got angry at Kongpob for offending Millie and so is Kongpob on himself. He didn't mean to demean the patient but it just happened. He saw multiple cases with severe and worse injuries but never did he ever react like that.

"I am sorry!! I didn't mean to offend you. I was..." Kongpob tried to apologize but Millie stopped him.

"It's fine!! I am used to it but deep down, I still get hurt... Can't help it" Millie this time turned back to show her face and an awkward smile on her lips. Kongpob observed her clearly this time.

Millie is a fair-skinned lady with a round face, small lips and nose, and big eyes. And the problem why she's visiting is because of her eyes. She has both Strabismus and ptosis, making her look abnormal with only one eye open.

[Explanation: Strabismus is a disorder in which both eyes do not line up in the same direction. Therefore, they do not look at the same object at the same time. The most common form of strabismus is known as "crossed eyes."

Ptosis is a condition where the upper eyelid droops. It is also called blepharoptosis, or upper eyelid ptosis.]

Kongpob looked at Millie's hands which are... very small according to a grown-up's. Her palms will be hardly 10 cm and her fingers are also small. Kongpob concluded to add that in the category of Cute. Her feet also are in the same category.

She's petite but not feminine. According to her clothing and hairstyle, she comes somewhere in the middle of being feminine and a tomboy.

"So, will you tell me the secret?" Kongpob asked and Millie gave a small smile to Kongpob and unconsciously the other replicated.

"By seeing my ugly face, you could've already guessed my medical problem. This happened when I was 9 and after this, I went to a lot of hospitals... maybe 23... If I didn't miss any hospital. At one point, I started to hate going to hospitals and used to throw tantrums. Tired to handle, my parents also stopped their efforts." Kongpob didn't like the way Millie addressed herself as an ugly girl because as far as he could see, she is the beautiful one, except for her eyes. But he didn't interrupt.

"I concentrated on studying and now, I have a successful career at this age"

"Career? Aren't you a student?" Millie chuckled before replying

"I'm 29 and work as a Technical Architect in one of the Multi-National company. I earn 275000 THB (6 lacs INR) per month, Doctor" Shocked is an understatement. Seeing her baby face, no one could guess that this lady is a career-oriented woman.

"You don't look like one!!"

"I get to hear that often" Kongpob observed how compliments are not making any effect on Millie. She's neutral about it. Arthit, from behind the wall, sat on the floor after making sure, he is well hidden but this movement made Kongpob hear his presence and he turned back to find pale hands peeking out of the walls. Kongpob smiled and turned his focus on Millie.

"Back to the story?" Kongpob asked and Millie nodded before resuming the story.

"Two years back, I read an article about Dr. Rojnapath being the best Neuro Surgeon in Thailand. That was also the time when my family was worried about me"

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