Chapter 9

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Kongpob and Maprang rushed to the emergency ward thinking Arthit might need help but they, themselves froze on the spot by looking at Arthit effortlessly wandering in the ward, treating patients and not to forget, the child who met with an accident.

Kongpob neared Arthit and heard how Arthit is giving instructions to the nurse to prepare for the surgery. And to Kongpob's surprise, there's no hint of trauma or mere uneasiness is found. All he could see is Doctor in Action. Through the conversation, Kongpob understood that there's a blood clot in the child's brain and a time-based surgery is important because General Surgery is also required, given multiple injuries on the boy.

"Dr. Suthiluck, can you take up the surgery of Bed no. 12? It's a trauma repair case" Arthit handed over his tab to show the details of the patient. Unknowingly, Arthit entered Kongpob's personal space but both are unaware, discussing over the patient's surgical procedure. Maprang who was looking over from a distance didn't like it and out of jealousy, she approached them and spoke

"I will assist Dr. Rojnapath" Maprang spoke out of nowhere making Arthit frown in irritation.

"Not today, Dr. Siripool. This is a critical case and I need my team today. Maybe next operation?" Arthit didn't wait for the other to react and left leaving the tab with Kongpob. 

"What were you doing?" Maprang whisper-yelled at Kongpob who's oblivious of the other's anger


"Why are you being so close to him?" Kongpob rolled his eyes and scolded the other to behave

"Maprang, if you forgot, let me remind you... you're a doctor now and currently standing in an Emergency ward. Behave like one and stop being over dramatic. And..." Before leaving, Kongpob cleared "I have no interest in Arthit and I very much remember why I came to this hospital." Kongpob left leaving Maprang puffing her cheeks.


It's been a week since Kongpob joined and things have been going smoothly. Two-three surgeries a day, a good amount of outpatients and he also made Neuro staff comfortable with his presence. Suchirit always used to say that Kongpob has a specific charm that makes everyone around, nice towards him but Kongpob rubbished those. Because the nature of his prior job is different from how it is now. So, he personally never realized it. Being not so social also never made him experience that. But now when he's having a 'Normal doctor' life, he could feel that. 

"I'm quitting" Maprang again interrupted Kongpob who is in his cabin looking at the background details of the board members. One thing that is slowly annoying him is that there's no progress in the purpose he joined Prachaya Hospitals.

"Quitting what?"

"Job and my crush" Maprang replied, crossing her arms around looking like a petulant child.

"Why? Found another one?" Kongpob asked, his focus still on his desktop trying to find some clue

"No!! Dr. Rojnapath... No!! That Devil is very difficult to handle" Maprang has been trying very hard from day one to go near Arthit, spend some time with him, or impress him but the other doesn't look at her like other guys do. 

"I also think he secretly likes Dr. Aim" Maprang stated as if it's a big secret

"Don't spread rumors" Kongpob plainly replied

"You tell me... he spends most of his time either with Alexa or Aim. 

Dr. Aim, prepare for surgery!!

Dr. Aim, go and have your lunch. We have to go for rounds in another 15 minutes

Dr. Aim, bring me the chart!!

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