Chapter 8

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Fellow Doctors: Doctors who complete their residency and work under the guidance of any surgeon based on their interest till they becomes surgeon/Staff-member.

Arthit is in the shower, washing off after the surgery. He's reminiscing all the events that happened in the OT when suddenly another moment from the past flashed in his mind.

Nothing will happen. I am here... with you, Dr. Sunshine

Twelve year old Arthit is wearing an oversized doctor coat with a stethoscope hanging around his neck. Nina and Jake(Arthit's parents) are smiling at the scene when little Arthit is gently cleaning the wounds of a patient with a cotton swab. There's one more person standing next to the boy and guiding him but Arthit somehow couldn't see the face of that person.

Arthit's glimpses shattered with a loud thud sound. Arthit sighed frustratingly.

Who is that person?

Why am I getting all these memories now?

There are a lot of questions popping up in Arthit's mind and no answer to them. With no choice, Arthit came out to find Kongpob standing outside the changing room and talking to someone. As usual, Arthit ignored him and decided to leave the place. While passing he heard Kongpob shouting at someone 'Where the hell are you? I need my thing now. Get it for me'


"Thanks" Kongpob thanked Maprang for getting his pills. Normally one sustains it throughout the day but he just keeps it with him for safety.

"One second!!" Kongpob frowned when he saw Maprang in the doctor's attire

"What are you doing in this attire?" Maprang blushed for the first time in her life and replied

"I have joined as a fellow doctor"

"And why is that?" Kongpob hasn't seen Maprang like this before. She is someone who maintains smug/know-it-all expressions and seeing her blushing, somehow Kongpob is feeling differently.

"Love at first sight" Maprang replied with her dreamy eyes, suddenly behaving like a teenager who found her first crush. Kongpob looked around and whispered

"If you forgot, let me remind you, you're a vampire for the last 800 years and not a school girl" Maprang glared at Kongpob for mentioning her vampire age. 

"Shut up!!" Kongpob laughed heartily teasing his friend who's been with her through thick and thin. Maprang joined his life a little late... 15 years back but somehow she understands Kongpob like a family member.

"Ah... I completely forgot, I had a familiar feeling in this hospital"

"Duh... you're the founder of this hospital. Obviously, you'll-"

"Not that!! let me complete. I was talking to you over the phone and only for a small time, I felt some familiar scent. I am not able to remember where I have sensed this before but that scent is damn familiar's different from others!! It's special" Kongpob still remembers how he felt the whiff of scent and vanished as if it was not there. He tried to trace back but it was too late.

"Ok... Let me check!! Was it delicious?" Kongpob nodded, eyes fixed on his phone. 

"Then I have to find it before anything wrong happens because of me" Maprang said but no response from Kongpob was heard. So, she spoke again

"Lead the way to our department. It's time" Kongpob frowned and diverted his attention to Maprang


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