Chapter 26

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"We're having our first date here?" Kongpob and Arthit are in front of the venue of their first date and Arthit is in the driving seat. Arthit just nodded in reply before honking the horn so that the doors can be opened. 

Kongpob is still thinking about what could've happened if Aim didn't come in time and stopped their conversation when he almost revealed his identity. There are so many things that would've happened but the first thing that will get affected is his medical license. He's still not sure of how Arthit will understand him being a vampire but he would never allow a vampire, a person with blood thirst to operate/treat on patients and be surrounded by blood almost all the time, given that he's someone who always goes by rules.

Though Kongpob owns a hospital, he definitely can't treat patients without a valid license.

"What are you thinking? Get off" Arthit replied before getting off from the car. The security guard greeted him and both the men acknowledged.

"Don't you think, it's too early to have our date in your house?" Kongpob asked, raising his perfect brow suspiciously.

"Because it was of short notice, this is the only place I could manage. On top of that, today is Friday, so all restaurants are full and I can't book the entire restaurant"

"Entire restaurant?" 

"Yes... I hate crowded spaces. So, I mostly prefer peaceful places" Arthit replied while walking inside his house, making Kongpob follow him.

"As you already know, the penthouse is mine and below the floor is of Aunt's. She hardly comes to the house as she handles business singlehandedly and recently, she got married too... so, she comes once a month!!" Kongpob continued to nod at whatever Arthit is saying.

"0206" Arthit said after unlocking the door.


"Password to my house. Remember it!!" Arthit casually said and left to fetch something to drink for Kongpob.

"Why are you revealing your house's password?" Kongpob almost shrieked at Arthit for being careless. If for the first time of his visit, he knows then who all must be knowing his password.

"Why are you being worked up? Looks like you know about me more than I know about myself." Arthit replied in an ambiguous way. After the incident about food allergy, both didn't try to strike up a conversation and from what he read about the situation, It's Arthit's instincts telling him to avoid it for time being, so he'll do exactly that!!

"But this is about your security!! What will happen if someone else knows-"

"Other than my Aunt, only you know the password. So, don't worry!! I am going to freshen up, Make yourself at home." Kongpob thought it'll be good if he could inform Maprang and Tew beforehand and messaged in their group chat.

Kongpob: I will come home late, Don't wait for me

Tew: Ok!! Anyway, I am going to a party!! Don't disturb me... I might get lucky today.😇

Maprang: @Kongpob, Today isn't your night shift... Then why? Is there a problem in the hospital?

Kongpob: No... I am on a date

Tew: 🥳🥳 Finally, My friend decided to date...

Maprang: Who?🤔

Kongpob: P'Arthit

Tew: ...

Maprang: You mean, Dr. Arthit Rojnapath?

Kongpob: Yes. I hope you're Ok with this. You already moved on and found someone, isn't it?

Dr. Sunshine [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora